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Reporting Forum
1 answer

Good Afternoon Telerik,


I run a report for the previous month at the beginning of every month. In example, Today's Month is April- I run the report for the entire Month of March. How can I create a Text field within Telerik that will show the previous month in example March and updates every month so if I run it May 1st it'll show April etc..?


I've tried the following functions but kept getting an error. (see screenshot)

= Today(AddMonths() -1)




1 answer

So, I have a report that I can't seem to filter. I want to filter the report based on the SalesCode.

I absolutely know that SalesCode "LB040" exists, but my report is blank when I run it. If I delete the filter, the report shows all the SalesCodes.

Am I formatting it wrong? Is it in the wrong group? I've tried filtering the StopGroup, but that didn't help.

Thanks for the help!!!




Telerik team
 answered on 18 Jan 2023
1 answer


I have one table and I am getting values to display from sql data source.

I am displaying only some of values using filter and grouping of data, but I am getting wrong sum as it is taking from data source.

what should I do to get sum of only displayed values.


Thanks in advance.

0 answers

I'm trying to make a graph interactive so that the table below shows the values for the column I clicked in the graph.

In my attached example "Graph-Table" I want the following to happen:

  1. Click on the bar 3/2019
  2. Only the 2019 group shows in the table below. All the rest of the years are hidden
  3. Click on the bar 1/2018
  4. Only the 2018 group shows in the table below. All the rest of the years are hidden

In the attached report, you see I tried adding some interaction, but I don't know how to get it to toggle/filter the data.

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 asked on 07 May 2022
1 answer

I have 3 report parameters. 




I have 3 corresponding filters:

= Fields.InvYear = = Parameters.Year.Value

= Fields.InvMonth = = Parameters.Month.Value

= Fields.InvQtr = = Parameters.Quarter.Value

The year parameter is required, however I want the user to be able to pick either Month or Quarter. Even if I allow NULL or blank on the Month or Quarter parameters, Telerik says the parameters are required. The filters are hard coded to be AND, which should not make a difference if one of the parameters is blank. How do I create a "blank" entry?

My SQL fields:

DATENAME(YEAR, Invoice.DateCreated) AS InvYear,
DATENAME(MONTH, Invoice.DateCreated) AS InvMonth,
DATENAME(QUARTER, Invoice.DateCreated) AS InvQtr,
0 answers
I have a table in a parent group (not the detail). I have two report parameters, and two filters. One is the Fiscal Year, and the other is the Fiscal Period. I am trying to do a YTD sum based on the filter fields.Fiscal Period <= Parameters.FiscalPeriod.Value, and then SUM(Fields.Value). If I have have period 3 selected, for example, I get three rows returned. How do I SUM all the returned rows based on the period I selected?
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 asked on 24 Mar 2022
0 answers

Good Morning,

I am trying to generate a simple report using a CSV data source. The data source contains applicant information including their university, name, state, etc. The CSV also contains information on the stage of the application, whether it was a whitepaper or full proposal etc. When trying to generate a simple bar chart of the count of the different stages, (i.e.,  count of how many whitepapers) the field stage also contains the states on the y axis in the chart. It seems the field stage and state are being intertwined when this is not what I want. Is there any solution to this? These fields are clearly separated in the CSV and the data preview when importing the CSV.



1 answer

I am calling a JSON Webservice that does not return a nested object if the values are null.

I am using the value of the nested object (Fields.Orders.Salesperon.Name) in a detail row of my report.

This results in an error for any rows with no salesperson: "The expression containt object 'Name' that is not defined in the current context".

Here's a sample of what's being returned from the webservice:

  "Orders": [
      "OrderNumber": 1,
      "Salesperson: { "Name": "Joe Example" }
      "OrderNumber": 2,
      "Salesperson: {}

OrderNumber 1 will print fine. The row for OrderNumber 2 will have an error box.

Screenshot from the actual report:


How can I prevent this? I've tried null checks, value binding, conditional formatting... but it all throws an error because it's trying to access the nonexistent "Name" field on a record.

0 answers

Hi all,

I am new to Telerik and stuck.  Using Report Designer ver.  Have a basic table which has user names and timestamps for when their accounts were activated.  Need to get a simple count of how many were activated in the last 30, 60 and 90 days. Tried with the main (server side) query such as 

Select name, ActionTimeStamp from UserRequest where ActionTimeStamp > AddMonths(Today(),-1)


Select name, ActionTimeStamp from UserRequest where ActionTimeStamp > DATEADD(day, -30, getdate())

to no avail; getting different kinds of errors. 

Tried downloading the whole table (without a WHERE statement) and use an expression imbedded inside a Text Box to get the count. Just to make sure the function works, tried: 

[= AddMonths(Today(),-1)] 

and it works, it gives me the date 30 days before today. So tried to build on AddMonths(). Tried the following, and any combination that I could think of, and yet cannot get any results!!

[= "Recs last month: " + Count(CDate(Fields.ActionTimeStamp) > CDate(AddMonths(Today(),-1)))]

What am I doing wrong?

Greatly appreciate your help; thank you, guys,


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Rank 1
 updated question on 23 Dec 2021
0 answers
I am facing the issue with parameterized report with PostgreSQL database in Angular .NET Core application.
I have configured everything as per the documentation. I tried lots to resolve this issue at my end but parameterized report not loading details when passing params from angular, If I used to designer preview it is fine. For testing purpose, I changed the database to SQL Server and same code and configuration works. I needs working solution for this with PostgreSQL database for parameterized reports. If anyone worked with 
parameterized report with PostgreSQL database in Angular .NET Core application. Please suggest solution for it. I am sharing my code configuration and report, please have a look.

Report designer:-

Report designer:

Parameter passing from angular:

Report viewer in angular:

My reporting controller in c#:

Please suggest any solution for it.

Thanks and Regards,

Parveen Kumar 

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