Parameterized report in Angular .Net Core with PostgreSQL database issue

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.NET Core DataSource SQL Expressions Filtering Rendering Report Designer (standalone) Report Parameters Report Viewer - Angular
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Parveen asked on 14 Dec 2021, 05:54 AM
I am facing the issue with parameterized report with PostgreSQL database in Angular .NET Core application.
I have configured everything as per the documentation. I tried lots to resolve this issue at my end but parameterized report not loading details when passing params from angular, If I used to designer preview it is fine. For testing purpose, I changed the database to SQL Server and same code and configuration works. I needs working solution for this with PostgreSQL database for parameterized reports. If anyone worked with 
parameterized report with PostgreSQL database in Angular .NET Core application. Please suggest solution for it. I am sharing my code configuration and report, please have a look.

Report designer:-

Report designer:

Parameter passing from angular:

Report viewer in angular:

My reporting controller in c#:

Please suggest any solution for it.

Thanks and Regards,

Parveen Kumar 

Telerik team
commented on 16 Dec 2021, 05:44 PM

Hello Parveen,

We were able to reproduce the behavior only when the version of the Npgsql NuGet package is higher. When we downgraded it to 3.2.7, it worked as expected. Please, check this video. For that reason, I would recommend using this version of the data provider.

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commented on 23 Dec 2021, 02:17 PM

Hi Telerik Team,

I think you misunderstood the our requirement and the issue we posted. We are facing the issue with parameterized report with PostgreSQL database in Angular .NET Core application. Please bind parameterized report using SQLDataSource- Provider is NgSQL data provider i.e. PostgreSQL. Please  try to bind parameterized report with PostgreSQL function and pass dynamic param from Angular and then check the issue. For more details, please see original question.

Please have a review this issue asap and provide solution for report binding with PostgreSQL function.

Kind regards,

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commented on 28 Dec 2021, 07:45 AM | edited

Parameterized report not loading data issue resolved. This issue was due to version incompatibility of NpgSQL.



Telerik team
commented on 28 Dec 2021, 12:29 PM

Hi Parveen,

I am glad to hear that the problem was resolved.

Can you please specify which was the previous version of Npgsql and which one works?

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commented on 29 Dec 2021, 03:55 AM

We are using 4.0.4 npgsql in our application, downgraded it to 3.2.7 and it works, don't know why it is not working with higher version. Please have a look this issue with latest npgsql version.
Telerik team
commented on 30 Dec 2021, 01:41 PM

Hi Parveen,

The problem comes from a change in the data provider. I made a research and I found the following external resources that you may find helpful:

Parameter name not recognised #1215

Npgsql doesn't support pass parameters by name to functions #305

I noticed in the Release notes of Npgsql 4.0 that there was a change related to the parameters.

I hope this information will help you. Please, let me know if I can help you further.

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.NET Core DataSource SQL Expressions Filtering Rendering Report Designer (standalone) Report Parameters Report Viewer - Angular
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