Telerik Forums
Reporting Forum
0 answers

Hi Team ,

After updating version of Telerik assemblies, Itemdatabound event[I have attached one screenshot for reference (its written in .vb file)]  is getting called while creating report as well while printing report. but I don't want it to get called while I am printing report. Is there any way that I can set autopostback(in telerik report) to false in telerik report ? Or any other solution will be appreciated to call Itemdatabound event only while creating report and not while printing.

Anyone can help me ? 

Kind regards, 


1 answer

I creating a new telerik report and I want this report to export in excel. This new report has a table where a define my columns but I want my last 3 columns when I make a excel export (I select the option Excel Worksheet, see the PNG img for more info) to be in a group.  Is there an option from telerik report to make the excel export create this group?

I also attached an excel file to see how I want my output (that +/- is my group, when I press + it show my columns and when I press - it hide my columns).

If you need more details, please let me know.

1 answer

Hi team,

I want to exclude export options (Exel ,RTF, TIFF, Web arhive) from Report designer's telerik ribbon . I can do this from web.config file but its getting excluded from other pages as well, I just wanted to exclude these options from single  page report not from all pages of my project.

Anyone can help me asap?

Kind regards,



0 answers


While generating .NET CORE PROJECT Telerik Report with oracle db , facing below error and cannot go further. What would be the cause of error?.

Report preview with data happening in Report designer it's not rendering on browser.



appsetting.json file configuration :

      "name": "dbsource",
       "connectionString": "Data Source=dbsource;User ID=user;Password=password",
      "providerName": "Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Core"







1 answer

Hi everyone,

My report.trdp include 2 hidden parameters (A,B) and 2 not hidden parameters (C,D)

my PM want when user create new task in scheduling feature on my reporting server then click to parameters tab

The expectation here is:

   2 hidden parameters (A,B)  NOT auto select  "Use default value" check box

   2 not hidden parameters (C,D) AUTO SELECT  "Use default value"  check box

so Is there any way to do that?

1 answer

We use the Report Designer to design a report that we want to access through the browser.
Does the Telerik Report service support Linux installation? What if I could include a link in my reply?


Eric R | Senior Technical Support Engineer
Telerik team
 answered on 23 Jun 2021
3 answers

Hi, currently we are using version of telerik reporting.

we are thinking of upgrading to the latest version since you guys have release the web designer which is really awesome.

however, we are still using VS designer to modified all the template. as far as I know, if we want to use web designer, we need to convert all templates to standalone template.

our currently project is rely on the report REST Service to get the report. we may want to switch away from the REST service or may be stay on it depends what is it offered in web designer.

So here are my questions:

1. What would be best solution for us from your perspective / expertise?

2. If we want to convert our old VS template to standalone template, how do we do it. We are using store procedure as Data source which means our old template is not parameterless (I think). What is the best way to convert them?

an example of how we import the data right now is attached in the file.



Recent update, I have managed to convert the file from our class object to trdx format. I am thinking to store it inside our DB so that we can call this format from an RESP API endpoint and present it to the html designer.

However, this template has alot funtions. not sure how would I called those functions if I am trying to access the template from a standalone designer or a html designer.

new xml file is attached.

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