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Weird behaviour on inserting part time

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Tayger asked on 09 Oct 2017, 09:21 PM

Hello there

It took me some hours to nail this behaviour down to the problem: I have a time mask in which the user can enter a complete time or some part of a time. Anything left out will be interpreted by my code. After entering the (part) time by the user I do some checks in the change event of the MaskedTextBox and write the validated (part) time back into the MaskTextBox field. In some cases that doesn't work, f.e.:

User enters:     Insert after validation:
10:__:__ AM    10:__:__ __

It should have inserted '10:__:__ AM' (like the original what the user typed)

I have attached a working example to this message. You'll see a MaskedTextBox and you only have to click the button 'Insert time'. This simulates the insert I do after time validation. This will work as it should and inserts '10:__:__ AM', fine! Now disable/remove the CDN script source '' and activate/locate the kendo.all.min.js of the downloadable KendoUi of '': This time the 'AM' will not be inserted by the 'Insert time' button.

I have no idea why it works with the CDN version but not with the downloadable commercial package (same version). I assume there are differencies. To make it even more confusing: Inserting a complete time like '10:10:10 AM' works fine in both cases.
I do already all this with a DATE MaskedTextBox ( and there it works fine (for full date or part of date).


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answered on 09 Oct 2017, 10:06 PM
My apologize, I had an old version of KendoUI on my server. You can ignore/close/delete my thread.
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