Weird behavior - refresh scheduler is changing start date based on selected event

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Hilton Pereira
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Rank 1
Hilton Pereira asked on 14 Nov 2022, 08:21 PM | edited on 14 Nov 2022, 09:47 PM

I dont know if is a known issue but I didnt find another question about this, please let me know if it is a duplicate.


So, the scheduler has a refresh button, when you click it the is triggered to load the data.

But for some reason, if you select an event and then click on refresh button, the start date will be changed to the date of the selected event and the old events will disappear due to date filter.


I wrote a dojo to show the issue:


Reproduce steps:

- Open the dojo

- Select an event of any date greater than the first date (fixed 2022-10-10)

- Click the refresh button

- You will see that the start date changed and some events will not be shown.




For those who have the same problem, I'm make a workaround (I dont know if will work for any context), I just remove the refresh button of the scheduler and then add a new button which onclick event will just call the function.

The following dojo has this work around:


No answers yet. Maybe you can help?

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Hilton Pereira
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Rank 1
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