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Visual Studio 2012

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Dave Navarro
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Dave Navarro asked on 27 Oct 2012, 02:52 PM

I know this isn't a Microsoft forum however I think my question will get a better answer if I post it here.

I've just had two new ASP.Net projects handed to me and I'm really stressed! I always want to start new projects with the latest tools at my disposal... well, wouldn't you know that they've landed on my desk yesterday! Pretty much the last day of Teleriks Webinar week (thank you very much, it was great!) and the day Windows 8 was officially released.

I have not installed Visual Studio 2012 on my dev pc yet because I'm worried that it might break my installation of VS 2010 and I have several projects in production that I'm supporting and I wouldn't want anything to happen...

So, my question is this; after installing VS2012 NEXT TO VS 2010, how badly is VS 2010 broken?

I've read that the .net 4.5 release is an In-place upgrade and that I will run into issues when trying to support my Windows XP apps that were build on .Net 4.0.

I've also read Microsoft's posts but I'd like to know what's happening in 'our' world... I really want to build these new projects with MVC 4 and Kendo UI, but I'd like to be sure I won't break anything...

Please let me know if the water is safe!


~ Dave

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Dave Navarro
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answered on 27 Oct 2012, 05:56 PM
Well, after reading a lot of horror stories.... I've decided to play it safe.

I will NOT upgrade my dev pc to VS 2012 and risk having issues with my .Net 4.0 apps. I will however build my next two apps with MVC 4 and Kendo Complete! So, that rocks!

I'll also ask Santa for a new Windows 8 dev pc that I can build up with VS 2012.

Now I just have to hope that I was a good boy this year and don't get a lump of coal in my stocking!!!

~ Dave
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Rank 1
answered on 07 Nov 2012, 10:27 AM

Hi Dave,

I'm sorry, I didn't see your post before, so this answer is a bit late. But it might clarify some things regarding Visual Studio 2012 / 2010.

- Visual Studios do not break each other. I successfully worked with parallel installations of VS2003/2005/2008, VS2008/2010 and currently VS2010/2012. There is no problem whatsoever doing that, and never has been. 
- VS2012 can work with both, .NET 4.0 and .NET 4.5 as well as Solutions from VS2010 and 2012. This means, you can open a VS2010 solution, and as long as you do not upgrade it to .NET 4.5 (or explicitely change the solutions version), the same solution can be opened with VS2010 afterwards. Since The editors of VS2012 are a bit better than those of VS2010 (CSS, javascript etc.) I currently only use VS2012 for all my projects.
- There is absolutely no issues at all with .NET 4.0 apps if you install VS2012 alongside VS2010. You can do it if you like and use both Visual Studios. Also, you can tell VS2012 to create apps for .NET 4.0, no problems there either.

So, don't be afraid, everything will work fine ;-).


Dave Navarro
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Rank 2
answered on 09 Nov 2012, 07:03 PM
Hello Frank,

Thank you for the encouraging words!

Perhaps I'll give it a try sometime... after I backup EVERYTHING and have some free time in between projects.

I'll be sure to keep you posted!

Thanks again,

~ Dave
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Rank 1
answered on 14 Nov 2012, 02:37 PM
I had the completely opposite results as above:

I installed VS2012, opened a VS2010 solution, did *not* let it "upgrade" the solution....   the project wouldn't build, so went back to VS2010 and that wouldn't build anymore either

Thankfully I work on a Mac and use Parallels, so I was able to roll back my Windows 7 install to a before-install snapshot of the machine
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Dave Navarro
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Dave Navarro
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