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Trim search value in AutoComplete

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Marcin asked on 15 May 2019, 01:14 PM


is there a way to trim search value in autocomplete? The scenario is that as first thing when I use autocomplete I press space, to see all values on list, and then if there are many I start to type search value, however initial space is not trimed, so search result is not accurate.


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answered on 16 May 2019, 02:58 PM
Hello Marcin,

The trimming of the search value could be accomplished by using the trim() JavaScript method when filtering event is being triggered. For example, we could define onFiltering() function which would be executed every time the filter event is triggered. Here is onFiltering()'s definition:
function onFiltering(e) {
     e.filter.value = e.filter.value.trim();

This Dojo demonstrates the described above functionality.

Please, check the proposed solution and let me know if you have any questions.  
Looking forward to your reply. 

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