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TileType - Updating source

1 Answer 38 Views
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Justin Lee
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Rank 1
Justin Lee asked on 12 May 2015, 07:43 PM


I'm databinding a list of items to a TileList.  I'm databinding the size of the tiles (TileType) using a converter like so:

<Style TargetType="telerik:Tile">
     <Setter Property="TileType" Value="{Binding Path=ViewModel.SizeIndex, Converter={StaticResource tileSizeConverter}}" />

This is working fine.  However, I have a context menu on the tiles that allows the user to increase the size of the tiles.  When selected, I increase the "SizeIndex" property in the viewmodel, however the UI does not update to the new size until the user resizes the browser window, or rearranges the tiles, etc.  Basically when something causes to the tilelist to redraw.

Right now, in the view model I am resetting the Items collection to a new collection, and populating it with the items from the old collection.  This causes the TileLIst to completely rebind and redraw -- but I'd prefer to not do this kludgy workaround. 



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Telerik team
answered on 13 May 2015, 09:08 AM
Hi Justin,

Actually, we are aware of this issue and it has been logged into our internal system. I made the item visible  so that you can follow its progress and vote for it, thus raising its priority.

Do you want to have your say when we set our development plans? Do you want to know when a feature you care about is added or when a bug fixed? Explore the Telerik Feedback Portal and vote to affect the priority of the items
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Justin Lee
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Telerik team
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