Telerik reporting viewer to load trdx for offline mobile app

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Report Designer (standalone) Report Viewer - Angular Report Viewer - Blazor Report Viewer - HTML5
Teck Yeong
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Rank 1
Teck Yeong asked on 28 Jun 2021, 04:27 AM | edited on 28 Jun 2021, 04:28 AM

Hi, I am looking into several frameworks to be able to run app in offline mode in mobile devices (Windows app, Android App).

My requirement is to be able to load the .trdx telerik report template in mobile app in offline mode.

May I know which of below are supported?

1. Xamarin Forms
2. WPF
3. Blazor WebAssembly
4. Flutter
5. Angular (PWA)
6. Ionic (WebView)
7. React Native 
8. ReactJS (PWA)



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Telerik team
answered on 30 Jun 2021, 03:03 PM

Hello Teck,

We have dedicated:

- WPF Report Viewer;

- Blazor Report Viewer;

- Angular Report Viewer;

You can find demos with these three technologies in the installation folder of Telerik Reporting.

- a demo with the HTM5 Report Viewer in React

For the rest of the technologies, you can test using web views. For example, if you would like to display reports in a Xamarin form, you might test wrapping one of our existing viewers into Xamarin Forms Container class. We do not offer a dedicated Xamarin report viewer and, honestly, we haven't tested if it is possible to use our reporting solution in Xamarin form.

Note that there is a request for a similar feature in our feedback portal - Telerik report render and print into telerik xamrin forms. I suggest to vote for it and thus to increase its priority.

You can test to use Xamarin.Forms WebView. For example:

 <StackLayout x:Name="WebViewLayout" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand">
     <WebView Source="" VerticalOptions = "FillAndExpand"/>

A similar approach is demonstrated in How to integrate Telerik Reporting in UWP application KB article.

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Teck Yeong
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Rank 1
commented on 05 Jul 2021, 06:37 AM | edited

My requirement is to render the telerik report template in mobile device itself (offline mode) without any network connection. e.g. Sales application that generate a receipt (which template in .trdx) based on offline sales data. I have no idea how webview can be used here, please advice me. Thank you.
Telerik team
commented on 08 Jul 2021, 02:55 PM

Basically, our HTML5-based report viewers can work without an Internet connection. The idea is that for some of the technologies, you will need to use a WebView in the application that will navigate to the report viewer page. Also, what kind of datasource are you considering using? Can you please give us more details about your data structure?
Teck Yeong
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Rank 1
commented on 09 Jul 2021, 03:36 AM | edited

Consider following requirement:
- Xamarin Forms App (will run on UWP, Android) will be used with SQLite data source.
- .trdx template files are storing in app folder.
- By using telerik libarary (i am not sure is this available which can work for Windows App and Android), Xamarin Forms app to fill in data into .trdx template in mobile device itself and produce an output file e.g. pdf. Using webview to display the pdf.

*I am not too much worry about the webview display the pdf. My concern is how the .trdx can be filled with data and generate into pdf in mobile device itself without any connection to server.
Telerik team
commented on 13 Jul 2021, 01:06 PM

If you want to export the report to PDF, you can use the ReportProcessor. An example can be found in the Embedded Report Engine article. You will need to use the approach with the UriReportSource. Note that this does not require a connection to the server.
Report Designer (standalone) Report Viewer - Angular Report Viewer - Blazor Report Viewer - HTML5
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Teck Yeong
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Telerik team
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