Table Supress Rows - Extra lines remain

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Conditional Formatting Report Designer (standalone) Table
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Brian asked on 27 Apr 2022, 05:58 PM

When using the table control and putting in conditional formatting to suppress rows, the table does not properly suppress the rows.

Given a table that has 4 rows per group. Each cell in the row has formatting applied in that there is a black border on the cells.

You then apply conditional formatting to make certain cells not visible (and turn on "Can Shrink"). What appears to be happening is the content of the cell is hidden and the cell collapses. However, the top and bottom border are still visible and start to stack up so that you end up with either multiple lines or a large thick line at the bottom of the cell.

I have attached a sample of the preview.

Note that this can be easily reproduced by putting a sub report into a cell in the table and then applying a rule to conditionally suppress it.

Perhaps we are doing something wrong?

Note that this is in the standalone designer. We don't have access to the Visual Studio version.

Telerik team
commented on 02 May 2022, 09:03 AM

Hi Brian,

There is a known issue that is logged as a bug in our public feedback portal and voted for it on your behalf - Toggle UI Visibility Bug, so when there is an update on the status, you will receive a notification. As a workaround, you may test using a Filters property of the table or test setting Binding for the Visible property.


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Conditional Formatting Report Designer (standalone) Table
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