Table loca not found in directory

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ma asked on 13 Jul 2023, 02:11 PM

I tried to export PDF with method in my project(using vue). But , the following error occurred.

ttf.js:50 Uncaught Error: Table loca not found in directory
    at Directory.readTable (ttf.js:50:1)
    at TTFFont.parse (ttf.js:1210:1)
    at new TTFFont (ttf.js:1202:1)
    at eval (core.js:267:1)
    at req.onload (core.js:246:1)

How can I solve this problem?

Telerik team
commented on 14 Jul 2023, 09:08 AM

Hello, Ma. 

To be able to help you with the issue we will need more context of your scenario. Can you please share details about the implementation that throws the shared error?

What kind of data do you export? How do you export it? Can you share a runnable example in which the reported issue can be replicated? You can use this StackBlitz example as a basis and edit it in a way the reported issue can be reproduced in it.

Once you are ready, send us the edited project back and we will be happy to help you further. 

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