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Subscribe to rowSelected event from iframe parent window

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Dmitry asked on 18 Nov 2011, 10:17 AM
I have an AJAX control which contains an IFRAME which load a page and grid on it. Like this:
parent page -> AJAX control -> IFRAME -> grid
I'd like to subscribe grid's rowSelected event from my control. That's what I do:
1. Searching for grid:
this._grid = this._frame.contentWindow.$find(this._frame.contentWindow.gridID);
if (this._grid != null) {
_onRowSelected: function (sender, args) {
this._grid object in my control is a valid grid object so it must start my handler when event fires. But it never starts. I tried to subscribe rowSelected event within page in iframe and it works fine. What's wrong? Is that because grid and my control are on "different" pages? I quote this because they're all defined within a single DOM and they should "know" about each other.
Please help.

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answered on 18 Nov 2011, 03:21 PM
I found something. When I call add_rowSelected, I get a stack overflow error.
Telerik team
answered on 23 Nov 2011, 11:07 AM
Hello Dmitry,

Try setting debug="false" in the web.config file and see if the code works afterwards:
<compilation debug="false">

The MS AJAX library throws a "Stack overflow..." error in a similar scenario when debug="true" is set. You could also try the same thing with another script control (not a RadGrid) to confirm that this is the same general MS AJAX issue. 

A forum thread elaborating on a common scenario in RadWindow where this issue is observed is available here:
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