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19 answers

Please check the attached Image, I have to customized toolbox items with Images & Text

Please I need a help on this, I am not getting any way to do this customization.

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 answered on 15 Dec 2016
1 answer

We notice some fairly significant performance slow-down as we initialize our diagram (specifically when switching what the diagram shows and doing mass additions/removals).  The Thumbnail seems to be creating lots of WriteableBitmaps over and over at that time (specifically in BitmapUtils.CreateWriteableBitmap).  This seems to happen the first time we use the diagram (say, 40+ invocations of CreateWriteableBitmap) but only once thereafter when we do wholesale changes of what we show in the diagram.

I initially thought it's something we do, but I don't find any difference between the first time we populate the diagram with shapes and subsequent times.

The call to CreateWriteableBitmap is triggered (ultimately, through several steps) by RadDiagramThumbnail.DeferredRefresh.

1) Is there any built-in functionality to limit the rate at which Thumbnail updates itself?  If not, do I read the documentation correctly that we should expect to be able to use IsAutoRefreshEnabled and RefreshThumbnail to rate-limit the Thumbnail refreshes ourselves?

2) Any advice for further tracing/debugging why we see so many calls only the first time we populate the Diagram?  Or, other things that we might be doing differently between the first time we populate Diagram and subsequent times?


Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
 answered on 05 May 2016
10 answers

Is there a way to handle position changed (of RadDiagramShape) if the X or Y position is negative ?

Thanks in advance,
Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
 answered on 28 Apr 2016
3 answers

Could someone please tell me how I can preserve the shape content (data) when I undo the "delete".

Here is my scenario:
  • Diagram's GraphSource is bound to a collection derived from ObservableGraphSourceBase<ITreatmentNode,TreatmentLink>
  • The node content is set via DataTemplate and also has EditTemplate
  • I drop the shape and edit the values
  • I then delete the shape by mistake
  • I undo it (Ctrl +z)
  • The shape appears but the data is lost. It has the default values that was there when I dropped the shape.

Is there a way to control this?
Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
 answered on 08 Apr 2016
1 answer



On my RadDiagram control I have generated elements with connections. How to prevent moving connection?

I want to allow the user only to detach and attach the connection. Forbidden situation is visualised in forbiddenSituation.PNG.  If the user unpin the connection and he/she doesn't drag connection to another item, the connection shouldn't be changed. So all connections should have Target and Source element.


I use ConnectionManipulationCompleted event. When ManipulationStatus is Moved I want to Undo this, but the truth is only the previous change will be undone, not current connection moving.


I was thinking I can cache previous state of connection (target and source) on ConnectionManipulationStared and set those if on ConnectionManipulationCompleted target or source are null. But it doesn't work.

Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
 answered on 07 Mar 2016
2 answers
Can i restrict the children of a RadDiagramContainerShape so they cant leave it?
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 answered on 05 Mar 2016
2 answers



Is it possible to process this method in background using BackgroundWorker or some other method using code-behind? My UI seems to freeze when I perform this as I have this hooked up to Diagram_MouseLeave event. It takes time as I have image as item in the background that gets written to a property in Viewmodel.

Deepak Shakya
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 answered on 18 Dec 2015
2 answers


Can you make resizing behave more like Visio? For example:

  • For some shapes, the corner's aspect ratio should be preserved (rounded rectangle, begin loop, card)
  • For all shapes, resizing from the corner should preserve the aspect ratio. For example, when resizing an octagon you usually want the aspect ratio to be preserved, so you resize from the corner. You can Always resize from the edge in the case where you don't want the aspect ratio preserved.





Kiril Vandov
Telerik team
 answered on 04 Nov 2015
8 answers

I need to fix the connector of the links, but despite the actions I took, connections jumps to another connector while dragging the shape. My sample is a typical hiearchy view, and this makes the relationship is looking reversed. 

 This is my link 

<Setter Property="SourceConnectorPosition" Value="Bottom"/>
<Setter Property="TargetConnectorPosition" Value="Top"/>

And I have only two connector. 


<core:ConnectorCollection x:Key="customConnectors">
  <telerik:RadDiagramConnector Offset="0.5 0" Name="Top"  Background="MediumVioletRed"/>
  <telerik:RadDiagramConnector Offset="0.5 1" Name="Bottom"  Background="YellowGreen"/>

 Defined in the Shape style setter.

<Setter Property="clocLink:AttachedProperties.CustomConnectors" Value="{StaticResource customConnectors}" />

Thank you for your help.  


Petar Mladenov
Telerik team
 answered on 23 Oct 2015
1 answer


When I set the connector tool, then start to draw a connection between two nodes, diagram allows to select the first node(Source) from all of the shape body (No need to start from a connector) but it only allows to drop the connection to a connector in target side. Droping it over the shape ends with a connection with null target property.

Is there a way to achieve enable the connection creation when the line is ended over a shape?


Petar Mladenov
Telerik team
 answered on 23 Oct 2015
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