Separate Wizard or stepper into separate Blazor components?

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Form General Discussions Stepper Wizard
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hfb asked on 13 Nov 2023, 02:31 PM

I want to separate Wizard or Stepper into separate Blazor components.

Someone that can guide me how to separate the Wizard steps into different components? I struggle to make validation work and the step logic work with parameter or cascading value.

I cannot just follow Wizard Form Integration because I need more steps and my own UI in each step so my file will be too big.

I can only show the wizard right now with sending it from ""parent" to "child" but validation and step logic doesnt work.

Should i looking at Stepper instead of Wizard? or have someone an example?

TelerikWizard @bind-Value="@Value" OnFinish="@OnFinishHandler" >


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Nadezhda Tacheva
Telerik team
answered on 15 Nov 2023, 08:02 AM

Hi hfb,

I already responded to your private ticket sending a sample that shows a possible implementation.

I am also posting the example here in case any other community member is struggling with such a use case:

Nadezhda Tacheva
Progress Telerik

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Form General Discussions Stepper Wizard
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Nadezhda Tacheva
Telerik team
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