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I have two questions,

  1. I have a crosstab table with one group and data(fields) from data source. Before clicking on the preview I have some parameters I need to fill, and I would like to have an option for sorting my table. For example having a parameter that is a list of fields from my data source (also used in a crosstab table) as an option, when I click on one of the fields and preview, table is sorted by the option I chose. For better understanding, here is an a example - I chose sort by date (cause Fields.Date exists in data source) before generating, click on preview , all my data is going to be sorted by the group from above and then dates. When I want to generate report again, this time I choose to sort by document number (Fields.DocumentNumber exists in my table and data source) and it generates the report having a group from above and then a sorting by Document Number. How can I achieve that ? I am using Telerik reporting R3 2022.
  2. I have two text boxes A and B in two columns next to each other in my crosstab. B is conditioned for visibility by binding. When B is unvisible (because the condition = false) I would like to merge my textbox A with B so I have a larger textbox A. And when B is visible (condition = true), everything is back to normal, meaning A has its text box in A's column like before and B has its own text box in B's column. Would that be possible?

     Thanks in advance! Hope to hear from you soon!

    Best regards,
1 answer

We have a JSON dataset where one of the nodes is a list of products. We have generated a DataSource based on this product list. Within each product node, there is an AdditionalInfos node, which is a list of data that complements each product. Find example attached.

        "ProductList": {
           "Product": [
            "@Item": "Item1",
            "@BeginDate": "17/05/2023",
            "@Total": 253054.99,
            "AdditionalInfos": {
              "AdditionalInfo": [
                  "@Key": "Vehiculo",
                  "@Value": "MCG02"
                  "@Key": "Terminal",
                  "@Value": "TERMINAL A"
            "@Item": "Item2",
            "@BeginDate": "16/05/2023",
            "@Total": 1234678.12,
            "AdditionalInfos": {
              "AdditionalInfo": [
                  "@Key": "Vehiculo",
                  "@Value": "MCG03"
                  "@Key": "Terminal",
                  "@Value": "TERMINAL B"
            "@Item": "Item3",
            "@BeginDate": "15/05/2023",
            "@Total": 5646548.35,
            "AdditionalInfos": {
              "AdditionalInfo": [
                  "@Key": "Vehiculo",
                  "@Value": "MCG04"
                  "@Key": "Terminal",
                  "@Value": "TERMINAL B"

Our goal is to generate a graphical representation of the product lines grouped by the AdditionalInfo lines with the Key "Terminal." The desired output should be as follows:

Terminal A
        Item1      17/05/2023       253054.99
Terminal B
        Item2     16/05/2023       1234678.12
Item3     15/05/2023       5646548.35

We would like to know the best approach to achieve this in Telerik Reporting Standalone. Is it possible to generate a DataSource with all the information at the same level and then perform grouping based on it?

Any guidance or examples would be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your assistance!

1 answer
I have a report that can potentially contain multiple pages.  I have a crosstab in the detail section that contains a total that I would like to display on only the last page of the report.  My plan was to make the grand total row of that crosstab not visible until the last page.  I know that in the footer, I would need to check PageNumber and I believe CurrentPage to see if they match to determine if its the last page.  The issue I'm having is that you can only access PageNumber from the report header and/or footer, but you cannot put a crosstab in a footer.  Is there a way to display a crosstab on only the last page?
Telerik team
 answered on 20 Dec 2022
1 answer


We designed reports with parameters and table. as i followed this document link for sorting in table  Which worked sorting in table. but issue is when i added report parameters to report sort icon not showing up and sorting not working. so could you please help me to resolve the issue as much as possible.

1 answer

Hi everyone, I'd appreciate any input on the following problem:

I have a crosstab with "sales period" as column group, and the detail value is sum of sales.

my report structure is pretty much identical to this demo:

the only difference is that I will only compare 2 periods, and never more. that should make things hopefully easier. (in other words: a 'SELECT DISTINCT period' on the datasource will always return 2 values.)

Now I would like to show a sales index by comparing period1 to period2 in an additional column.

how can I do that?


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 answered on 04 Sep 2021
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I just spent approximately 4 hours wondering why a report I was creating kept inserting pagebreaks after a row group in a crosstab even though I had set GroupKeepTogether=False. I discovered that some old parent row group that I had since deleted was still visible (but greyed out) via the report explorer even though you couldn't see it in the group explorer. This deleted parent row group had its GroupKeepTogether set to True and it was still having an effect on the report layout even though I had deleted the group long since. Why is this happening? It's quite unintuitive and confusing that deleted groups don't seem to be truly deleted and can still have effects on the report.

follow up: Is there any way for me to "clean up" the groups in the report explorer view without having to recreate the entire crosstab from scratch? There does not seem to be an option to delete them. I had some trouble creating the desired layout so I ended up creating and deleting lots of groups so it looks like a total mess and apparently can also have unintended side effects.

Telerik team
 answered on 09 Aug 2021
1 answer

I'm creating a report using the standalone report designer where I'm using a crosstab (column group) to aggregate data by date over a certain range of dates which is given as a parameter to the report. I would like to display all the dates in the given range in the crosstab, even if some of those dates have no data. I have been banging my head against a wall trying to achieve this for a while, are you able to suggest a solution? I figured I could manipulate my SQL query to ensure that each date has at least one row by doing an outer join with a calendar table but I was wondering if some more convenient solution existed without me having to modify the query itself.

Telerik team
 answered on 27 Jul 2021
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