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Reporting Forum
1 answer

I have my SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machine. I'm trying to use Managed Identity Connection String (without the need of username, password in the connection string) to connect my SQL Server with Telerik Report. I did not find any specific documentation or a question regarding this implementation. Any leads will be appreciated.

I can connect my SQL Server using this normal connection string: Server=tcp:sqlserverendpoint,1234;Initial Catalog=SampleDatabase;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=username;Password=password;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;

I'm trying to use this Connection String (which doesn't include username and password): Server=tcp:sqlserverendpoint,1234;Authentication=ActiveDirectoryManagedIdentity;Encrypt=True;Database=SampleDatabase;

Any leads would be appreciated. Thanks.

1 answer

Good Afternoon Telerik,


I currently am averaging to DateTime values from two columns Completed Report and Final Report into one column called CompToFinal


I am wanting to average Completed Report to Provisional Report columns. and, sometimes there is No Provisional report but it will ALWAYS have a Final date time. so I want to copy the averaged final time to the provisional column if no provisional value exists or is NULL. I have tried the following code but keep getting errors. Is there a better way to do this?




Thank you!

1 answer

Good Afternoon Telerik,


Currently, I have 1 report where I am searching for all the machines in the database using a parameter querying Machine OS(with values in it like Android, IPhone, Windows 10, Windows 8, etc..). It is located in a table called Assets. Here is a sample query of what I am querying. When I run the table with the only sql datasource it returns my selection on the preview data. However, when I run it on the Telerik server the parameter field on the right hand side is completely blank with no values.


at.machine name, at.machineos

FROM assets at

WHERE at.machineos IN (:MachineOS)


However, when I add a new SQLDataSource with the same information above and attach the datasource under the parameter to that. It displays the values and correctly queries the data. How can I get it to retrieve the values of the first datasource without making another datasource with the same exact query?


(I should also mention, the database is running on a oracle server)

0 answers

How do I create a dropdown with the options of: greater than >, less than <, or equal to =, then have a textbox for the value?

See attached image for something similar I am looking for. I'm trying to make a report where the user can enter a number, then select one of the options I just described. I've been stuck on this for a week!!!


I've read so many articles, and watched 7-8 year outdated youtube videos. Any help is greatly appreciated!



0 answers

Hi Team ,

After updating version of Telerik assemblies, Itemdatabound event[I have attached one screenshot for reference (its written in .vb file)]  is getting called while creating report as well while printing report. but I don't want it to get called while I am printing report. Is there any way that I can set autopostback(in telerik report) to false in telerik report ? Or any other solution will be appreciated to call Itemdatabound event only while creating report and not while printing.

Anyone can help me ? 

Kind regards, 


1 answer

Hi team,

I want to exclude export options (Exel ,RTF, TIFF, Web arhive) from Report designer's telerik ribbon . I can do this from web.config file but its getting excluded from other pages as well, I just wanted to exclude these options from single  page report not from all pages of my project.

Anyone can help me asap?

Kind regards,



1 answer

Hi everyone,

My report.trdp include 2 hidden parameters (A,B) and 2 not hidden parameters (C,D)

my PM want when user create new task in scheduling feature on my reporting server then click to parameters tab

The expectation here is:

   2 hidden parameters (A,B)  NOT auto select  "Use default value" check box

   2 not hidden parameters (C,D) AUTO SELECT  "Use default value"  check box

so Is there any way to do that?

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