Telerik Forums
Reporting Forum
1 answer

I've been going through the documentation repeatedly for a few days and I believe that what I'm looking to use is the ReportBook but not sure where to start.

For some insight, we have roughly around 8 reports in total. These reports vary but for the most part, they are individual reports intended for one role to view. However, the problem here is that we need to take 3 of these reports and iterate over selections to create a single report for viewing.

Current Scenario:

A district manager can view reports on locations. Each location has 3 reports that can be viewed independently. Along with this, the district manager can also view an "Overview" report that sums up the data of their locations in a single report. The Overview is very basic and no detail is provided. All reports contain parameters of the location id and a start and end date for gathering data.

Problem Scenario:

The problem now is that we need for the district manager to be able to capture a full detailed report of all selected locations in a single report. In this scenario, the district manager may select from 1 to N amount of locations and a report is generated based on the selections. This generated report will show all 3 reports for each location selected.

I'm not sure where to start with such an implementation and the documentation on ReportBook isn't very detailed.

Tech stack is .NET 6 with Blazor frontend and .NET 6 backend in separate applications.

Telerik team
 answered on 30 Mar 2023
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