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Reporting Forum
1 answer


I am spending hours and hours trying to get a simple Telerik Report to work in my Blazor web app.
All documentation on the website is for ASP.Net Core 6 and the ASP.Core 7 samples I can find, do not work for me...

I have a simple Blazor Web App that communicates with a Blazor Server using controllers and endpoints like. The data is stored in a SQL Server.

I have a table 'Genders' and I simply want to show a report with the fields id and name of table genders using the 'api/gender' endpoint to get the genders: 

var response = await httpDefaultClient.GetAsync("api/gender");
        if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
            genderList = await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<List<GenderModel>>();

Is there a complete walkthough, thus including creating the Telerik report itself, creating the reportcontroller, in the server, adding services etc.

I am totally new to Telerik and I simply do not understand how to implement Telerik in my application.
Hope somebody can direct me to a good, working, sample or walkthrough... 

Regards, Marc

1 answer

I found some postings about this, but they're all more than 10 years old.  I'm hoping something has been added to address this since then.

On a label report, how can I tell the report to skip the first N labels so I start at a certain row and column?

Surely a hack to insert null rows at the top of the result set isn't the only option?  Is there some event I can use or anything to cause the engine to skip labels until I say continue?

Thank you!

4 answers


I'm developing an WPF app that imports trdx file, serializes to a report object, set an ObjectDataSource and generate (using RenderReport method) to pptx file.

The trdx file contains a subreport with the same DataSource but different DataMember. The DataMember of the subreport get an input from the a report parameter (=Parameters.Param1.Value). The subreport parameter filled by the main report (Param1 =Fields.Id).

For example, for each order in the report, the subreport get its ID as parameter and returns all its order details.

In the generated report (pptx) I see all the reports data but the subreport data is empty. How should I set the DataSource, DataMember and Paramerters of the subreport correctly?





1 answer

Goal: Change a trdx's web services data sources from using web service requests to using inline data strings and then render a PDF.

The trdx was created using the Invoice Report Wizard and has two data sources (one for header and one for detail). Both actually call the same web service method but use different data selectors ($.result and $.result.MemberReceiptDetails). I need to replace these calls with inline json strings (again, they'll be identical) and remove the parameters.  I see the Report class has a DataSource property but how does this relate to multiple datasources?.


            XmlReportSource reportSource = new XmlReportSource();

            Report report = GetReportFromResources("Member.DuesReceipt.trdx");

            //Change data sources here

            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            using (System.Xml.XmlWriter xmlWriter = System.Xml.XmlWriter.Create(builder))
                Telerik.Reporting.XmlSerialization.ReportXmlSerializer xmlSerializer =
                    new Telerik.Reporting.XmlSerialization.ReportXmlSerializer();

                xmlSerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, report);

            reportSource.Xml = builder.ToString();

            var reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor();
            RenderingResult result = reportProcessor.RenderReport("PDF", reportSource, null);

Telerik team
 answered on 15 Jun 2021
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