Telerik Forums
Reporting Forum
1 answer

I have a few reports I've created that are now crashing when opened. These reports are currently still working in the company's ERP software (Seraex OrderStream) but when trying to create edits, the telerik file crashes telerik completely. 

There isn't anything unique about the reports I can think of that could make them crash with this error. It seems like I have other reports that work fine with the same queries and images.  I'm not sure how I could get into these reports and fix whatever is causing the issue

I'm using telerik reporting version and I'll attach a file that is currently not working (note I've created an almost identical report with the same query and have no issues with it). I'll also attach a screenshot of the error and the stack trace. They only appear on the screen for a second before the software crashes. 

Telerik team
 answered on 05 Dec 2022
1 answer


I have a report layout designed with Report Designer (standalone).

I noticed an obvious performance hit on report loading/rendering after I need to style my checkboxes (around 50+) to make it fit smaller spaces. It takes over than 25 - 27 secs to load the report page.

I have attached the report file and the custom images I used in it as zip file here.

If anyone could help me find the viable workaround or solution, I would very appreciate. Thank you.

1 answer
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Hi All,

Having used Crystal Reports VS for years, we recently decided to move to Telerik Reports, however I can't say I am overly impressed with the performance and memory usage!!

I designed a rather simplistic report in both Crystal and Telerik, pushed the same data through (125000 rows / 10 columns) with no calculated formulas, conditional formatting, or images, and results are as follows:

Crystal to PDF = 70 seconds (400MB ram usage)

Telerik to PDF = 180 seconds (1800MB ram usage) with FontEmbedding set to None. If on SubSet, file size will grow from 5MB to 60MB!!

Telerik to XLSX = 380 seconds!

Is Crystal Reports really that well optimized for exporting to PDF! Or is Telerik Reports really that bad??

Looks like we will have to run two sets of reports now or look at alternatives!

Both reports are using ObjectDataSource with data retrieved from a stored procedure and outputs to a DataTable. Data retrieval on both takes approximately 30 seconds, with the rest on rendering! Telerik report is not opened in a Viewer, but rendered directly to PDF, same with the Crystal Report. 

Any tips or suggestions greatly appreciated, but I don't have much faith that it will improve much :(



Telerik team
 answered on 18 May 2021
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