Telerik Forums
Reporting Forum
4 answers

I have a report designed for a continuous roll printer using a 4 inch wide paper roll.  The report is 6 inches "wide", but is printed LANDSCAPE, so the axis are flipped, meaning the printed "width" ends up as 4 inches (good) and the printed "height" is 6 inches on the continuous axis.  So far so good, Telerik renders the report and it prints, HOWEVER; I want a page footer section that prints some information at the "bottom" of the label.  When in continuous roll mode Telerik is not honoring the page footer and instead prints this immediately after the detail like a group footer, however; there is no reason why it should not honor this because the report is LANDSCAPE so even on continuous roll paper the footer can be measured against the fixed 4in "width" of the label.  I have attached an image showing what Telerik is doing and what the expected output is.

This appears to me to be a bug in Telerik reporting.

The expected behavior is that the page footer would work normally if the report is landscape because in this case the fixed label width is actually the "height" (4in) of the report and the variable/continuous axis is the "width" (6in).

Any suggestions?

- Albert Boettger

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 answered on 04 Mar 2024
1 answer

Dear Team,


We have to evaluate an old project which uses Telerik Reporting Version Q3.2020. The task is to migrate and update older and Windows forms reports to newer report version.


Can you please share the link to download the Trial version of Telerik Report Version Q3.2020?

Thank you,


Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Telerik team
 answered on 22 Sep 2023
1 answer
Hello , 
I'm trying to print on a lable with double side Right/Left 
for example : 
Print first Item on right side and the secound item on Left side 

I have attached the Lable Image 

Thanks a lot . 
Telerik team
 answered on 13 Sep 2023
1 answer

I have a bunch of reports that were created in .net framework 4.7.2 using the Visual Studio report designer (created as .cs files).  I'm upgrading the solution to .net 6.

I've updated to the correct nuget packages for Telerik winforms and Telerik Reporting, and from what I've read, I need to convert all those reports to a format that will work in the standalone report designer.

I moved all the reports to their own class library, built the solution, an then tried to open that library's .dll file in the standalone designer as described here:

Every time, I get an error:

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException... System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter, Version= The system cannot find the file specified.

I cannot find any reference to that in the report files, and I can't find any verion for .net 6 out there to even install.  I did try adding a package reference to a .net std verion, but it's 4.x from 2016.

How can I get past this error so the report can be imported?


1 answer


Greetings, I'm a newbie, I'm testing telerik while learning c# with visual studio and WinForms. The issue is that I have made a report that is later displayed in a reportviewer, the problem is that clicking on the print icon of the reportviewer adds a blank space to the right side of the sheet to be printed, it is worth mentioning that the sheet is set to A4 (margins 0.5mm, + width 20cm = 21cm =>A4).

Image 01 - The report design is seen,
Screenshot 02 - The reportviewer added in the windowsform is seen,
Image 03 - It is seen when the report is loaded, so far so good.
Image 04 - It is seen when I click on the print or preview icon (any of the two) and the blank space on the sheet is displayed. Even when printing a physical document, the additional space is shown.
Image 05 - This image shows the code that I use to pass data to the reportviewer and the table.

By code I have not added any configuration, only the filling of data to the table.

What am I doing wrong, do I need to configure any additional parameters? Please help.



Saludos, soy novato, estoy probando telerik mientras aprendo c# con visual studio y WinForms. El asunto es que tengo realizado un informe que posteriormente se muestra en un reportviewer, el problema es que al hacer clic en el icono de imprimir del reportviewer se agrega un espacio en blanco al lado derecho de la hoja a imprimir, cabe mencionar que la hoja está configurada en A4 (margins 0.5mm, + width 20cm = 21cm =>A4).

Imagen 01 - Se ve el diseño de reporte, 
Imagen 02 - Se ve el reportviewer agregado en el windowsform,  
Imagen 03 - Se ve cuando se carga el reporte, hasta ahí todo bien. 
Imagen 04 - Se ve cuando doy clic en el icono de imprimir o previsualizar (cualquiera de los dos) y se muestra el espacio en blanco en la hoja. Inclusive al imprimir un documento físico se muestra el espacio adicional.
Imagen 05 - En esta imagen se ve el codigo que utlizo para pasar datos al reportviewer y a la tabla.

Por código no tengo agregado ninguna configuración, solamente el llenado de datos a la tabla.

¿Qué estaré haciendo mal, necesito configurar algún parámetro adicional? Ayuda por favor.
Telerik team
 answered on 26 Jun 2023
1 answer

The report allignment in design view of the report and the allignment in runtime are different. It's seems that the page size changes.

How to solve this?

Attach images in design time and image in runtime of the report.


thank you!

Telerik team
 answered on 27 Mar 2023
1 answer

We are getting an error "A StartDocPrinter call was not issued" when running reports at one of our customers.  I want to believe this is a printer/os issue and not a Telerik reporting issue, as we have not seen this at other customers.   

TIA for any input.

Telerik team
 answered on 15 Feb 2023
1 answer

We have an application (Windows Forms), that we have had to set DPI to UNWARE. The reason we have to set DPI to UNWARE, is our application behavior is weird when we set Aware or Aware Per Screen, as controls move, text gets truncated, dropdowns shrink, etc .   With that said, setting DPI to UNWARE, this solves the problem with all the win forms, however, this caused all our reports to have issues. All our reports are being shrunk on the page, with a huge amount of white space to the right and bottom of the page.  This is totally unacceptable to our customers as a lot of our report are designed to work for mailings and/or on pre-printed paper.   Our only solution, at this time, is to have our customers "SAVE AS PDF" and open the PDF and print from there.  Printing to PDF results in the same issue that is explained above.  

Now, we have played around with ways of setting DPI UNWARE and DPI AWARE, but we have been totally unsuccessful in getting our software to work as intended.  We set DPI Aware, reports work fine, but Win Forms are all messed up.  Set DPI Unware, Winforms are fine, but reports are an issue.   


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thank You

Telerik team
 answered on 16 Jan 2023
1 answer
I have a report that has a report a grouping.  In that report grouping, I want to only display specific fields based on the page number. The page number is resetting for that group. However, the Items in the group header do not seem to see the page number change, so I can't use that.  I thought about using a field in the result set, but that is not either.   This is a pretty complex report, and I could use some help on this, as I don't write reports all the often.
Telerik team
 answered on 11 Jan 2023
1 answer


I need to make a report with several PNG images and generate a PNG file with transparency in a Winforms application.
So I made a report with the background 'Transparent' and some PictureBox.
this.Style.BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;

this.detail.Style.BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;

Then I export to PNG with Telerik ReportProcessor and RenderingResult.
But the background is white. :-(

How can I export this report with transparent background ?



Telerik team
 answered on 15 Nov 2022
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