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Reporting Forum
1 answer
I'm generating a lot of reports using the ReportProcessor class and the RenderReport function to get the PDF and save it in a share drive.

private byte[] GetReport(int param)
        var reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor();
        var reportSource = new UriReportSource
            Uri = Path.Combine(_environment.ContentRootPath, "Reports", "Report.trdp"),

        reportSource.Parameters.Add(new Parameter("param", param));

        var result = reportProcessor.RenderReport("PDF", reportSource, new Hashtable());
        return result.DocumentBytes;

This works fine. But if I only run the application and get to generate the reports I get:

"An error has occurred while processing Report 'Report':
Unable to establish a connection to the database. Please verify that your connection string is valid. In case you use a named connection string from the application configuration file, make sure the name
is correct and the connection string settings are present in the configuration file of your application.
------------- InnerException -------------
Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0."

The part that I don't understand is that if I go to the page where I have a HTML5 Report Viewer and generate and view a report from the page the error goes away.

I search a lot about this and tried different things and got nothing.

The problem might be related with the appsettings.

We have different configuration for each env and the appsettings.json is merged with appsettings.ENV.json 

I tried to put the con string in the base appsettings and worked fine.

I need a solution because I still need to have diferent connectionstrings in different enviorments and I can't reliable run the report in the viewer before generate the standalone PDF
Telerik team
 answered on 23 May 2024
1 answer
Hello there,

I have this issue when generating my report, it duplicates the number of pages based on the amount of rows of data that my DataSource provides to the Report.
Another detail is the external border when generated from the report but in the preview or the designer doesn't show the border
How I can remove it?

I am using a table wizard connected to the data source (SQL Data Source).

Example in the attached file
2 answers

Hello Team, I'm trying to implement a User Defined Function to be access by Telerik Reports. Is a simple Replace function.

In Report designer I followed the instructions of copying the dll where the report designer is located. It runs fine using the following expression   TelerikFunctions.Telerik_F.Replace("t").

When I try to run it from an API, It does not return anything.

  • I added the TelerikFunctions.dll to the current project where TelerikReporting.dll is located.
  • I added the following entries on the  appsettings.json  

"configuration": {
"configSections": {
"section": [
"_name": "Telerik.Reporting",
"_type": "Telerik.Reporting.Configuration.ReportingConfigurationSection, Telerik.Reporting",
"_allowLocation": "true",
"_allowDefinition": "Everywhere"
"_name": "Telerik.ReportDesigner",
"_type": "Telerik.ReportDesigner.Configuration.ReportDesignerConfigurationSection, Telerik.ReportDesigner.Configuration",
"_allowLocation": "true",
"_allowDefinition": "Everywhere"
"telerikReporting": {
"assemblyReferences": [
"name": "TelerikFunctions",
"version": "",
"culture": "neutral",
"publicKeyToken": "null"

I also placed the function in the wwwRoot where the reports are located. But still, it doesn't recognize the function.    

Class Library containing UDF

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Rank 1
 answered on 08 May 2024
1 answer


Maybe you want me refer Assign connection string dynamically using report parameter and bindings - Telerik Reporting .I followed the solution, it didn't work . And then I set the 'ConnectionString' to '@ReportParameters.PFDSConnectionString', it also didn't work, even if I add the '.Value'.Pls refer the error.png

But when I set the connection string to the property 'ConnectionString' , it worked. And I tested the parameter rendering, it's also OK. Pls refer the success.png.

I think the C# code is OK. Because when I use the appsetting.json file to injec the connection string.

Set ConnectionString to 'AcosReportsConnection', It's OK too. Pls refer the appsettings.png.

Because now the connection string come from database depending on different input parameters, I need to set the connection string dynamically.

Now I am very confused.

Do you have any suggestiones? Thanks.


1 answer

I'm using a trial version of Telerik reporting.
I designed a trdp project file and I included it in my application.
The data source is a json string that I change at runtime.

I tried to export on pdf and I get no error from the call to RenderReport, but saving the bytes of RenderingResult.DocumentBytes on a pdf file I get a unreadeable file, it is a real pdf file (I see it on hexadecimal editor) but very short.

I tried to export on csv, html, and rtf and I get a valid and  good file.

Could be a trial limitation?

Thank you


Telerik team
 answered on 25 Mar 2024
1 answer

I have a telerik report that has grouping sections based on a "Page Title"

The first page title is my Cover Page, which just contains a multi-line textbox that has its visibility set to TRUE only if the current group is the cover page

I want the textbox to be automatically centered in the page on rendering of the report without having calculate 11in-(header+footer+margins) and physically set the height of the textbox. Is this possible?

Sample attached

Telerik team
 answered on 20 Mar 2024
1 answer

Compare between non-delete and delete two textbox, just have value difference.

------------original report code

<TextBox Width="1in" Height="0.7cm" Left="0cm" Top="0cm" Value="=AVG(Fields.Actual_downtime_50_last)/AVG(Fields.Actual_runtime_50_last)" Format="{0:P0}" Name="textBox36" StyleName="">

<TextBox Width="1in" Height="0.609cm" Left="0cm" Top="0cm" Value="=(Fields.Actual_downtime_50_last)/&#xD;&#xA;(Fields.Actual_runtime_50_last)" Format="{0:P0}" Name="textBox37" StyleName="">

-----------after deleting value

<TextBox Width="1in" Height="0.7cm" Left="0cm" Top="0cm" Format="{0:P0}" Name="textBox36" StyleName="">

<TextBox Width="1in" Height="0.7cm" Left="0cm" Top="0cm" Format="{0:P0}" Name="textBox36" StyleName="">


I want to know how to fix this, because the final value isn't long


Telerik team
 answered on 15 Mar 2024
1 answer

When we try to process a report from a .NET 6 application, there is an exception
 "BinaryFormatter serialization and deserialization are disabled within this application. See for more information."
Version used: Telerik R1 2023 SP1

On Telerik forums, there is a workaround to suppress this error, see below:
However, based on this post the BinaryFormatter is necessary for serialization and not having it will cause issues with image generation.
Please advise if there is a way to generate reports with images from a .NET 6 app without using EnableUnsafeBinaryFormatterSerialization.

Ivan Ivanov
Telerik team
 answered on 01 Mar 2024
1 answer

Hello, I'm using Telerik Reporting R3 2023 to produce reports in PDF format. I use the stand alone report designer to design the report definition and our application uses Telerik Reporting to generate the report. I have a text box with a "Toggle Visibility" Action that works correctly when I preview the report in the stand alone report designer. When I click the "+" button, it toggles the visibility of another text box:


However, when I use our application to generate the report to a PDF or HTML5 format, the "+" button isn't there:



Any help is appreciated

Telerik team
 answered on 26 Dec 2023
1 answer

Currently, we use SSRS in our ASP.NET MVC apps to automatically generate tabular, in-memory reports based on RDLC templates against SQL Server data. The PDF produced by SSRS are downloaded to the user's browser. We don't provide any report viewer components on the page. How do you do this using Telerik Reporting?

Also, do you have beginner training videos for Telerik Reporting?

Thank you.

Telerik team
 answered on 26 Dec 2023
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