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Reporting Forum
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I've been researching how to generate a report in our application which has a C# .NET 6 Web API project and a React front-end, both fully disconnected. I've been trying various things out and keep running into roadblocks. Here are some issues I've hit:

- I can't get the report designer to recognize our domain project (I'm trying the object data source) because it's targeting .NET 6. I'm not able to convert it to .NET Standard. I reviewed the examples in the Telerik directory but the .NET Core samples don't seem to reference the DataBinding sample, which is the one that uses an object data source. There is also a .NET Standard project called SpeakerObjects which I see referenced but I don't see any reports that use those objects as a data soure

- I tried a web service data source as well but it wasn't obvious how to pass the JWT to the service for authentication when designing the report.

Generally speaking, the way I was hoping this worked is that I'd design a report template against a generic data source. E.g. the report fields would be bound to loosely-typed data fields like customer.FirstName, customer.SSN, customer.PhoneNumber, etc. That is, I wouldn't need to wire the report up to a specific data source for the purpose of designing it. Then in the backend, I'd retrieve the data I need, take the report template file and shove the data into it at runtime using the Telerik packages. It would do its magic and bind the objects to the fields and return a PDF. But I'm having a hard time with that because the report designer (both Visual Studio and stand-alone) seem to really want to know what the data looks like while I'm designing and I can't get it hooked up to either our domain project or our API to do that.

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 asked on 06 Sep 2022
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We are trying to bind a parameter value to TitleStyle.Color property of Table of Contents and we are getting an error :

"An error has occured while processing TocSection 'tocsection1' : Bindings error - The value of property 'TitleStyle' is null."

We have tried  TitleStyle.FontBold with the value 'True'. The same errors pops up for all TitleStyle property assignment. 

The parameters has values in it and it works when assigned to Style.Color or  Style.BackgroundColor.

Can you please help us to resolve this issue?

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 asked on 07 Jul 2022
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Currently working with Telerik reporting . how to Bind the MongoDB database collection to the Telerik Reporting ?



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 asked on 01 Jun 2022
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Hi Team ,

After updating version of Telerik assemblies, Itemdatabound event[I have attached one screenshot for reference (its written in .vb file)]  is getting called while creating report as well while printing report. but I don't want it to get called while I am printing report. Is there any way that I can set autopostback(in telerik report) to false in telerik report ? Or any other solution will be appreciated to call Itemdatabound event only while creating report and not while printing.

Anyone can help me ? 

Kind regards, 


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I have recently upgraded from v10 to v13 successful with no apparerent issues.  I moved to version 14 and 15 and the same reports no longer print their sub reports.  We bind the subreports data on creation of the subreport instance in the constructor and set an instance report source to the newly created report object inside if the detail section binding event.  Then none of the binding events raise on the subreport and it never prints.

Did somethinf change between 13 and 14 that would cause this?

Thanks in advance, Eric

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 asked on 23 Dec 2021
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Wrong place to post this.
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 updated question on 13 Jul 2021
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