Telerik Forums
Report Server Forum
1 answer

Good Afternoon Telerik Forums,


I created several reports in Report Designer and uploaded them to our Telerik Report Server. I had the reports send every month on the first the entire previous month. How can I have the subject say Report for {Prior Month} and {Current year} and update every month when it sends out the scheduled email?


Is it even possible to get the prior month and current year in the subject every time the scheduler sends out the email?


Thank you!

1 answer
How do I change the parameter size design after publishing the report? I want to expand a little bit the parameter width for long parameter name,

Telerik team
 answered on 08 Mar 2024
1 answer
Hello, I would like to ask how to select All Value from the parameter, this parameter is not a multivalue

This is the model that should be converted into reporting

Those data that you can see there were pulled from the database except for the <All Receipts> where if you choose that, All the data there will be selected, take note this is not a multivalue because the model has only two types of selection

1. Single selection - where you select only one from each data inside the parameter (eg. you select either BIR Receipt or Deposit etc). You cannot select two data, only one.

2. Select All - this is the <All Receipts> selection where you select all data inside the parameter.

I already did the parameter getting the data from the datasource.

Now my problem is, how can I add this customize <All Receipt> value if I'm getting the data from a database?
Telerik team
 answered on 08 Mar 2024
1 answer
Hello, I would like to ask on how to set the parameter value if it is a MultiValue where the value of that parameter are manually inputted. Basically. there's no database involve. 

I tried to use = Array("Data1", "Data2") to customize the value, now my problem is how to set it as a multivalue  and take the array value separately. The idea is if the multivalue of a aparameter was set into True and then its selection value should have "Data1" and "Data2".
Telerik team
 answered on 26 Feb 2024
1 answer

We have started exploring Telerik report. at present we are using SSRS. in Telerik report we notice when using progress Telerik report designer i.e teleri standalone report designer app when we pass stored procedure as data source and that stored procedure returning more then one data set only Top 1 data set result will be visible in Telerik report designing app.

I am attaching screen short below :

  1. from SP enter image description here

  2. from Telerik Report Design app 

    1. enter image description here

    As can be seen from both above screen short Telerik Report design app shows only one dataset under Datasource1 whereas SP send two dataset.

    How can i get both dataset in Telerik report design ??  

1 answer
Hello, I am kind of confused as to what is the default port number of Telerik Report Server (TRS) after installation, is it port 83? or port 81? I installed several pc of our client, some were 83 and 81. It says here in the docs,on%20port%2083%20by%20default. that it is port 83 but why is it that some of the servers got port 81? Is there a need of configuration here? Mind you that only 1 TRS running in one pc. 

If it changes to port 81, any particular reason as why it changes to port 81 instead of port 83?
Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Telerik team
 answered on 07 Feb 2024
1 answer

Hello, I encountered a problem when printing a report. Some rows of the table skip to print continuously  instead it prints to the next page, notice the red circle, it has 5 pages yet in 2nd page, the table row didn't continue to print instead the next row printed to the next page which leave a huge blank space under the row (#) 12.

See pictures:

( 1 )

( 2 )


( 3 )

Telerik team
 answered on 09 Jan 2024
1 answer

I have a report created in the report server, I exported the report as Word Document, the content inside is too broken while when I exported the file as PowerPoint Presentation, it looks good and looks the same as the original. Is this a bug? or is there something that I need to consider when exporting a Word Document? Or Do I need to upgrade the version?


My TRS version:

Exported as Word Document:

Exported as PowerPoint Presentation:

Telerik team
 answered on 26 Oct 2023
1 answer


I've found some articles saying that if we want to deploy Report Server in Azure, we should use Azure Virtual Machines. These were few years old articles and I was wondering if anything changed and if it's possible to deploy the Report Server in Azure App Service, perhaps using docker image? Or is it still recommended to use Virtual Machine? My concern is that our company doesn't want to manage virtual machines.


Telerik team
 answered on 04 Oct 2023
2 answers


I am currently working on a report in which I need to embed a table (with its own headers) into another table. I am trying to make my telerik report match the table in the attached "Model Table.jpg" where the main table has the headers "num records", "total attempts", "client ID", etc.. and the embedded table has the headers "attempts", "date refused", and "comments".

I was able to create the main table in a report, then merge the cells in the row below and add the sub table; however, the sub table is repeated with every new row. The report in this instance can be seen in the attached "sub table.jpg".

I then attempted adding a subreport inside the main table. This subreport links to a separate report containing the "attempts", "date refused", and "comments" table. However, I ran into some roadblocks with this as well. When the subreport is outside the table, it loads fine with all values showing. Unfortunately, when I move the subreport into the main table, I cannot get it to load properly. When I add the datasource to the subreport (same datasource as the main report), the subreport doesn't show at all. When I remove the datasource from the subreport, the headers of the sub table show, but no data loads. Is there a reason the subreport wont load properly inside the table?

Hopefully this all made sense- please let me know if you need any clarification on anything.

Thank you!

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 answered on 10 Aug 2023
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