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Accessibility ConnectionString Data Management General Discussions
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Raniel asked on 19 Nov 2021, 02:54 AM | edited on 19 Nov 2021, 02:56 AM

Hello, I would like to ask if it's possible to consolidate the reports having a multiple database. What I want to do is to make a report where the data will be fetch from different databases and display all those data in one table/charts. Is this possible? If not, what would be the best approach in order to do this?

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Telerik team
answered on 23 Nov 2021, 12:13 PM

Hello Raniel,

Generally, you may use more than one DataSources, hence databases in a single Report definition. They should be assigned to different data items though. That said, you cannot use multiple databases as data sources for the same Table/Graph, etc.

If displaying data from multiple databases in the same data item is required, you may use our ObjectDataSource component. You may fetch data from the databases with custom code and fill custom business objects with it. The ObjectDataSource should be bound to these business objects. For more details, you may check the How-to articles under the ObjectDataSource Overview article.

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commented on 08 Jul 2022, 03:48 PM

Are there any plans to add federated data sources?
Telerik team
commented on 13 Jul 2022, 12:23 PM

Hi Rick,

Currently, if you need to use one combined datasource, you may test using the ObjectDataSource Overview article. Can you please provide us with more details about your scenario, so we can test giving moreoptions.

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commented on 14 Jul 2022, 01:14 PM

We are still in early design phases, but we are looking at more micro-services approach to our development and as such, with a database per service.  Each database would be considered the source of truth. 

What we would like to see is a way for our clients to build a query and connect to the various data points to collect the information that they need.  The Object Data Source (while I am still learning and might be wrong) appears that we would have to pre-define everything in code and limit our end-users.

I am currently evaluating Telerik tools to migrate from DevExpress.  They have a similar concept of data federation; more on their design can be found here: Data Federation | Reporting | DevExpress Documentation

We don't currently utilize it as we have a monolithic app/database, but our apps in the future are going to lean more on this design concept as we start migrating.

Telerik team
commented on 19 Jul 2022, 10:42 AM

Hi Rick,

Thank you for your update.

We provide an option for setting the connection string dynamically.

One of the options is the approach described in the KB Change Connection String dynamically through a report parameter. Then from the viewer, you can pass the connection string. Note that this won't work for the connection string of Report Parameter AvailableValues DataSource if any.

Another option is given in the Action NavigateToReport does not work after updating the Connection String dynamically in a Custom Report Resolver KB article. Here, this will require the implementation of the REST service.

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commented on 19 Jul 2022, 02:34 PM

Hi Neli,

Unfortunately, this is not the type of Data Federation I am looking to do.  Can we add a feature request to do proper data federation utilizing a query builder?


Telerik team
commented on 22 Jul 2022, 09:40 AM

Hi Rick,

Feel free to log your feature request in our public feedback portal.

You may also consider the WebServiceDataSource. You may expose your own Web Service with the required functionality and connect to it through our data source component.

Accessibility ConnectionString Data Management General Discussions
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