References in code broken after upgrade of libraries

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Kirstine asked on 30 Jun 2022, 11:53 AM


After upgrading Telerik in a project I haven't visisted in the last 6-8 months, my Document Processing references are suddenly broken in the code.

The references in Nuget seems to be doing fine, but in the class where I build my Document Processing I am suddenly getting a ton of errors with for example; Workbook, CellIndex(), CellBorder, IWorkbookFormatProvider, ImageSource(), FloatingImage, RadHorizontalAlignment, ColumnSelection to name a few.

Do you have any experience with these sudden problems after upgrading? I upgraded via Nuget Package Manager.

Maybe I am missing something, but it it very frustrating when it has been working without problems before upgrading.

Kind regards,


Telerik team
commented on 01 Jul 2022, 07:27 AM

Hey, Kristine,

Thank you for reaching out to us with this issue.

Most often, this happens if, by chance, the assemblies you had been using have been changed to the other platform type (e.g. if your project had been using the .NET Framework assemblies and they are replaced with .NET Standard ones or vice-versa)
Do you mind checking if they are the correct ones? The .NET Standard/.NET 5+ ones do not contain "Windows" in their names, while the .NET Framework ones do. An example:

"Telerik.Documents.Core.dll" - .NET Standardard/.NET 5+ 

"Telerik.Windows.Documents.Core.dll" - .NET Framework

If they are correct, I'd highly appreciate you sending us several specific error texts and/or screenshots of the code, where the errors are thrown so we can best troubleshoot.

Thank you in advance for your assistance. I remain at your disposal.


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commented on 05 Jul 2022, 06:28 AM

Hi Svilen,

I seem to be unable to use some of the libraries even though I have the correct Nuget packages.

Please see the provided screenshots for more information on which Nuget packages I've importet and which models, classes etc. that I am not able to access.

Hope you can help me find out what is wrong.

Kind regards,


Telerik team
commented on 06 Jul 2022, 10:27 AM

Hey, Kristine,

Thank you for the screenshots.

I noticed you are using the .NET Standard packages. I assume your project also targets .NET Standard?

I see there are errors with some of the types in your screenshots but I cannot see what the error codes are. Would it be possible to screenshots that include the specific error codes where the types are underlined in red? Apologies for not being specific enough in my initial request.


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commented on 06 Jul 2022, 11:06 AM

Hi Svilen,

Yes this is a WebForms project with .NET 4.7 framework.

I've included some more screenshots that includes the different error codes that results in red lines throughout the code.
Thank you for helping me out.

Kind regards,


Telerik team
commented on 07 Jul 2022, 08:31 AM

Hi Kirstine, 

My name is Dimitar and I will be handling your case today.

I have examined the images and it seems that you are using the Net Standart version of the suite. This is not necessary for a NET Framework project. I believe that the version was changed during the upgrade for some reason. And since this version has some differences errors may appear. In addition, I have noticed that the word Windows is not added to the namespaces and it should be there for most of the namespaces in both versions. Have you changed this manually at some point?

I would suggest removing all document processing references (Nuget packages) and adding the proper version ( with Windows in the name) to the project. If there are still errors remove the namespaces as well. You can add them back by pressing "Ctrl + ." in Visual Studio when the caret in on a type from the library. This way the correct namespace will be added. 

Let me know how this works on your side.



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