RadTabStrip/RadMultiPage update parent when change inside RadPageView

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Ajax AjaxPanel DataForm PageLayout TabStrip
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Matthew asked on 06 Jun 2022, 06:14 PM

I have a main page with RadTabStrip/RadMultiPage setup. I'd like to trigger an update to a portion of that page when user makes a change in a RadPageView. So on my main page I have a portion that is a summary with datasource and form and numbers need to update as people make changes to various sub-pages.

On each of those RadPageView I have aspx pages with RadForms with (edit/update/cancel buttons). I'd also like to catch if a user tries to change tabs, navigate away from the page, or close with the X on the upper right browser if they are in edit mode on a RadPageView aspx page.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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Peter Milchev
Telerik team
answered on 10 Jun 2022, 11:19 AM

Hi Matthew,

For convenience and visibility from the community, I am sharing here my reply from the internal support communication on the topic.

Assuming you are using a ContentUrl for the PageViews, you have an iframe with the page in each of the PageViews. That means you would need to implement a Parent/Child communication similar to how it is recommended for the RadWindow with NavigateUrl (where iframes are created as well):


In general, you can create a few functions in the parent page that will deal with the update and the child pages would just call these functions when needed.

As for the navigate away, you can use the beforeunload event and inform the user of any unsaved changes for example:

The tab changes could also be detected in various ways:

Peter Milchev
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Ajax AjaxPanel DataForm PageLayout TabStrip
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Peter Milchev
Telerik team
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