RadExpander on iOS doesn't seem to have a default IndicatorText

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Adam asked on 17 Oct 2023, 11:07 PM

I'm working with the RadExpander for .NET MAUI (6.3..0), and while it works fine on Android, it seems to lack a default IndicatorText on iOS and instead renders with a boxed question mark. It looks OK when I specify some IndicatorText string, but I'm not sure what the built-in character is and I'd love to get that to match (and have the orientation of that character be natural as well).

Here's what it looks like:

and expanded, it becomes:

Telerik team
commented on 18 Oct 2023, 02:06 PM

Hi Adam,

I have tested the case and no issues on my side. The icon is displayed as expected. Images are attached. The expander examples are from our SDK and Controls Samples application.

I will need a sample app to test the setup on my side. Please open a support ticket and attach the project there.

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commented on 18 Oct 2023, 05:02 PM

Thank you, Didi. I figured out the issue. I had been trying to set the global font in AppDelegate.cs (because on iOS, after you bind to a label, it changes the font to something like Times New Roman). The side of effect of doing this is that the expand symbol for RadExpander was apparently not the same in the font family I had chosen, and so I was inadvertently breaking the symbol.

I figured I would leave this comment here in case it helps anyone else. Thanks again!

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