Problem with DropDownMenu inside of cell in KendoGrid

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Alexander asked on 27 Dec 2023, 09:53 AM | edited on 27 Dec 2023, 09:56 AM

I have a problem with DropDownMenu in the KendoGrid:

I tried to add DropDownMenu (from bootstrap) to cell inside of KendoGrid.

Also I added style to code (I found this reference early:

<style type="text/css">
    .k-master-row td {
      overflow: visible !important;

But it didn't help me and menu hides inside of table.

I need to add DropDown menu to Main and Detail tables.

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answered on 28 Dec 2023, 01:18 PM

Hi Alexander,

This behavior is expected. The Bootstrap dropdown list is rendered inside the <td> element and that's why it stays within the Grid table

With the applied overflow: visible the dropdown list is correctly shown and the Grid table renders a scroller so the user can scroll down to see the list items:

I can suggest setting a height to the Grid so the dropdown list will be visible at all times:

Nevertheless, the Bootstrap library is not officially supported by Kendo UI and I can recommend switching to the Kendo UI DropDownList where this problem is not present. Here is an article on how to make a DropDownList Column Always Visible:

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commented on 29 Dec 2023, 05:15 AM

Thank you, Nikolay, for explanation. Now it's clear for me.
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