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POTENTIAL BUG: PopOver will not open when referenced from a tabstrip which is contained by a layout.

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PopOver (Mobile)
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Marlon asked on 07 Dec 2013, 11:38 AM
I opened a support ticket for this but figured I'd post in case any has a workaround that I can do in the mean time....

I put together this jsbin to illustrate the issue that I discovered. Essentially, I have a popover that call from a tabstrip item, which is inside a layout. The view that I'm calling also has the data-stretch set to true,so I don't know if that contributes to the issue. Seems to be 100% reproducible in this case.


As you can see, if you tap the first tab item, a js error is thrown, scrollbar gets introduces, <BillMurray>Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!</BillMurray>
well you get the idea.

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Kiril Nikolov
Telerik team
answered on 09 Dec 2013, 12:12 PM
Hello Marlon,

Thank you very much for bringing this issue to our attention and providing the example, showing it.

I have logged this issue in our internal bug tracker, so expect it to be fixed within the next internal builds.

As a small gesture of gratitude I have updated your Telerik Points balance.

Kiril Nikolov
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answered on 30 Dec 2013, 08:29 AM
Hi Kiril,
Has there been any progress on this issue? I'm currently using the 30 day trial to develop a prototype that I can demo to my boss and convince him to purchase some licenses.  Since I'm on the trial version, I cannot access the internal builds. Do I have any options?

Kiril Nikolov
Telerik team
answered on 30 Dec 2013, 08:48 AM
Hello Marlon,

We are still looking into this issue and a fix is not available yet. 

I can see that you are licensed for Kendo UI Complete, which includes the Kendo UI Mobile and internal builds as well, so you should be able to access these from your account. Please check it our and let me know if you have any troubles doing it.

Kiril Nikolov
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answered on 14 Jan 2014, 07:14 AM
Its been over a month since I reported this bug. Can someone please help with some sort of workaround? Now I'm not entirely sure this exclusive to layouts. I'm getting the same js error when I try to invoke a popover from anywhere inside a view that has a data-stretch="true" in its configuration. 

Kiril Nikolov
Telerik team
answered on 14 Jan 2014, 08:37 AM
Hello Marlon,

I am afraid that the issue is still unresolved. As I have promised you I will make sure that you will be informed, as soon as the issue is resolved.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Kiril Nikolov
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answered on 03 Feb 2014, 06:24 PM
We're approaching 60 days without a resolution to this issue. I have to say I'm extremely disappointed in the lack of movement on this. I was a big advocate for Telerik and my company's decision to move to your platform. Its one thing to not fix this bug in 2 months - but the lack of communication and no apparent desire to help offer any possible workarounds is especially troubling…and telling. 
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answered on 03 Feb 2014, 09:53 PM
Hey Marlon,

This jsBin might be able to help:

A community member, whom unfortunately had issues replying to this thread, ran in to a similar issue before and thought this might help!
Kiril Nikolov
Telerik team
answered on 04 Feb 2014, 12:12 PM
Hi Marlon,

I apologize for the delay in fixing this issue. Unfortunately there are other issues opened that are with a higher priority, and therefor fixing this exact issue was delayed. 

I am afraid that there is not a workaround that I can offer you at the current moment. As I have promised I will get back to you as soon as this issue is fixed and you will be informed about the resolution.

Kiril Nikolov
Join us on our journey to create the world's most complete HTML 5 UI Framework - download Kendo UI now!
PopOver (Mobile)
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Kiril Nikolov
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