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UI for PHP Forum
6 answers

Guys are you able to help me to hide/disable just a popup box when double click on tasks?
I could add->editable(false); just below:


[code]// gantt $gantt = new \Kendo\UI\Gantt('gantt'); $gantt->dataSource($tasks)->dependencies($dependencies)->height(650)->addView('', array('type' => 'week', 'selected' => false),'month')->addColumn($idColumn, $titleColumn, $startColumn, $endColumn)->showWorkHours(false)->showWorkDays(true)->snap(false)->editable(false);[/code]


But then I cannot edit anything.
Any clue? Thanks.

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 answered on 04 Nov 2019
1 answer

Hi ,

Can any one help me how to show  all days in month view of gantt chart . I am using php

Telerik team
 answered on 13 Jun 2019
1 answer

Hi Admins, is there any possible to Colorize Tasks in gantt [PHP] FOR EXAMPLE:

      function onDataBound() {
        var gantt = this;

        gantt.element.find(".k-task").each(function(e) {
          var dataItem = gantt.dataSource.getByUid($(this).attr("data-uid"));

          // colorize task per business requirements
          if ( = 904) {
   = "#f99";
          } else {
   = "#9f9";


But this dosen't work in php gantt, can you please help, and tell what is the way to get colored tasks depending on values for example:


$idField = new \Kendo\Data\DataSourceSchemaModelField('id');



Veselin Tsvetanov
Telerik team
 answered on 27 Nov 2017
1 answer
4.4K+ views

Hi, can you guys help me to format dates in gantt? If I've saving the times in the database, and there is something like Start - 2017-09-15T22:00:00.000Z, End - 2017-10-21T22:00:00.000Z Is there any way to remove this part of the data? 'T22:00:00.000Z'

I would like to save just only Start - 2017-09-15, End - 2017-10-21

Veselin Tsvetanov
Telerik team
 answered on 16 Nov 2017
2 answers
I'm using a Gantt with remote data source and php wrappers. In the remote data source I'm using php DataSourceResult as also shown in the Kendo UI Demos.
Is there any possible to hide some separate tasks in gantt?. I would like to hide the tasks which have for example field project = 12 on the server side.
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 answered on 01 Nov 2017
1 answer

How can I set hyperlink to the GanttColumn?

I try it.

$column = new \Kendo\UI\GanttColumn();
$column->format('#= <a href="">teszt</a>#');

Dimitar Terziev
Telerik team
 answered on 10 Sep 2015
12 answers

I built a testcase Gantt diagram with a PDF export and proxy for older browsers with everything working great.

Now I integrated this same code into our real-world project and the PDF export is no longer working. I disabled the proxy stuff and am testing in an up to date Chrome browser, these are my only PDF settings:

pdf: {
  landscape: true,
  margin: {
    left: 10,
    right: 10,
    top: 10,
    bottom: 10

I have the following resources included and they are loading properly:

  • kendo.common.min.css
  • kendo.default.min.css
  • kendo.web.min.js
  • kendo.pdf.min.js

The diagram shows about 20 tasks over a span of about 2 years in month view.​

I see no errors in the console, just that it's loading the DejaVu font successfully.

When clicking PDF export a "PDF" file is exported and downloaded, however if I open the PDF in a text editor it's just the HTML source code of the page.

Since the kendo JS files are all minified I cannot really provide any more information, it's a bit of a black box. 


Also, when clicking PDF export, the Gantt diagram is suddenly expanded to full page width (there's a sidebar on the left side of the page). Why is this?


One last question: I have some tasks that do not yet have a date but I would like to show them in the diagram anyway. If I do this, the diagram is no longer correct, the "older" dated tasks are no longer shown in the timeline. Instead the timeline is set to the current date and the only task shown in the timeline is one which has a end date later than today. Is it possible to display tasks without assigning a date?


Please let me know if I can provide any more information.Thank you.

T. Tsonev
Telerik team
 answered on 24 Jun 2015
5 answers

I downloaded the example and loaded it on my test server. The gantt chart loads initially empty. When I click "Add Task" I get an error in the console "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'start' of undefined kendo.all.min.js:52".

 I tried in Chrome and Firefox, same problem.


Any help on what's wrong here?

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 answered on 22 May 2015
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