Telerik Forums
UI for .NET MAUI Forum
1 answer

I may be missing it, but is GridLines documented? It took me quite a while to figure out how to turn off the white lines between rows (WinUI). Was this recently added? Anyway,

        <Setter Property="GridLinesVisibility" Value="None" />

is what I needed. Thanks.

Telerik team
 answered on 16 Mar 2023
2 answers

We did some investigating about PropertySortDescriptor, it seems that we need target 'sort column' be a part of our grid columns, we tried it in Telerik sample project and it will give no response without the target 'sort column'.  So we would like to know that we have to have a column for target property to use it as a property sort descriptor, right?

please check more details in this document:  .NET MAUI DataGrid Documentation - Sorting - Telerik UI for .NET MAUI

The difference between the DelegateSortDescriptor and the PropertySortDescriptor is that the DelegateSortDescriptor sorts data by a custom key, while the PropertySortDescriptor sorts by a defined key, which is a property from the model.


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 answered on 13 Mar 2023
1 answer

Hi there,

We did some investigating about PropertySortDescriptor, it seems that we need target 'sort column' be a part of our grid columns, we tried it in Telerik sample project and it will give no response without the target 'sort column'.

we also noticed the following document say: PropertySortDescriptor sorts by a defined key, which is a property from the model. so we would like to confirm that we have to have a column for that property to use it as a property sort descriptor, right?

The difference between the DelegateSortDescriptor and the PropertySortDescriptor is that the DelegateSortDescriptor sorts data by a custom key, while the PropertySortDescriptor sorts by a defined key, which is a property from the model.

 .NET MAUI DataGrid Documentation - Sorting - Telerik UI for .NET MAUI

Telerik team
 answered on 09 Mar 2023
1 answer
1.5K+ views
hallo Lance; I saw that you had the option to generate the barcode in Telerik, I'm looking for the barecode scanner; because I've already used the Zxing it works but it's too long and there are barecode not supported, is what you can give me the best solution. please .
Telerik team
 answered on 14 Feb 2023
1 answer
I did the Terelik installation steps but the last step for the package I did not have the Telerik.UI.for.Maui I sectioned the Telerik server and I wrote my user name and password but I have no result.
Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Telerik team
 answered on 06 Feb 2023
1 answer

Hi Team,

Just want to check whether Telerik will support .Net IOS projects (Native IOS)?

Thanks in advance.



Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Telerik team
 answered on 18 Jan 2023
1 answer

I along with a few other people have made requests for an official RadGridPager for Maui and I just noticed a fresh post regarding this so wanted to post the code I have created.

This is a super simple and probably bug ridden but its working for my purposes so far.

If someone has a better implementation please post would love to use it.

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 updated answer on 03 Jan 2023
1 answer

I have JSON datasource which I need to bind to Itemsource property of Datagridview. I cannot have class into which deserialization can be done because JSON datasource can have different attributes evertime which makes it impossible to have hard coded classes for deserialization.

Let me know if JSON datasource can be binded directly based on data and also Searching and Sorting should work in the grid.

Datagrid is for .net MAUI platform targetting Android and IOS development

Telerik team
 answered on 26 Dec 2022
1 answer

The baseline alignment is offset by lowercase letters where a descender letter (g, j, y, p, q) is present. In the image below, you can see some fields are floating a little higher than others. This occurs in the header and body of the grid.

Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Telerik team
 answered on 09 Dec 2022
1 answer

HI, I am evaluating the maui UI but only found out the data binding for expandoobject or dynamicobject is not working, is this a true limitation?

i believe this was supported in wpf or uwp, any reason why this is the case for net maui? it seems such an easy thing to support...

Telerik team
 updated answer on 01 Dec 2022
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