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Kendo UI for jQuery Forum
1 answer


There are question as below, I could not provide a code snippet because for editing require an API which are not available as development is in progress

  • can I know is there a way to get the response code / response message after the API is call. For example code below, after the create API call I would like to get the response code example 200 or 500 so that we can manipulate error message that require to show for user. Example if kendo taskboard it have "requestEnd" event
transport: {
	read: {
		url: crudServiceBaseUrl ,
		dataType: "json"
	create: {
		url: crudServiceBaseUrl + "/add",
		dataType: "json"
	update: {
		url: crudServiceBaseUrl + "/update",
		dataType: "json"
	destroy: {
		url: crudServiceBaseUrl + "/delete",
		dataType: "json"
	parameterMap: function (options, operation) {
		if (operation !== "read" && options.models) {
			return { models: kendo.stringify(options.models) };
  • when I perform  transport "destroy", I realize that it will first remove the node before calling API. I wonder what happen if I fail to remove from our own logic (hit issues when remove from database) then how can we revert the node? 
  • Is it in treelist we can get parent value and assign to a hidden field? Treelist only support number for id and parentid (hierarchy), howeer in our case we use GUID. Therefore, I generate number just for hierarchy display (and drag and drop) purpose. However the models only recognize the parentid but not guid that is from other field.
  • on my page I reliaze that sometimes the jquery are calling the API and sometimes not? Is it related to the placement file of my kendo script versus jquery file?
  • When I add new item, from backend we success to trigger and I return response 200 and model data as per below

however from front-end it will never append. I follow exact implementation from the snippet / tutorial, accept the response type 
Telerik team
 answered on 23 Feb 2023
1 answer


I have treelists with two levels of items (titles and positions). The titles can be rearranged via drag&drop. Dragging a title onto another title changes the order of titles. Positions can both be dragged under the same title but also to an other title.


  • Dragging title 4 onto title 2 makes title 4 the new title 2, title 2 becomes title 3 and title 3 becomes title 4. All subitems (positions) stay with their titles.
  • Dragging position 4 in title 3 (3.4) onto position 2 in title 3 (3.2) makes 4 the new 2 (3.2), 2 the new 3 (3.3) and 3 the new 4 (3.4).
  • Dragging position 4 in title 3 (3.4) onto position 2 in title 2 (2.2) makes 4 the new 2 in title 2 (2.2), 2 in title 2 the new 3 in title 2 (2.3) and position 5 in title 3 (3.5) the new position 4 in title 3 (3.4).

To do this (see code in attachment) I manipulate the title field and the parentId of the datasource. This worked fine as long as I dirctly saved items that were added to the list. But now I have to use batch save.

Now when I add a new title to the list and add or rearrange positions to that title or rearrange titles via drag&drop before saving the affectet titles and positions are attached to wrong parent items, sometimes items get duplicated. Doing the same thing after saving works as intended.

I assume the reason for this is that new items have an Id of 0 before saving.

I see that it is possible to rearrange items in treelists via drag & drop in your demos without manipulating these fields manually. But I don't see how can do this and get the same results as in the examples above. Could you please help me figure this out?

Note: in the attached files I have included sampledata as local data. In the project we bind to remote data. Not sure if this affects the beavior

Georgi Denchev
Telerik team
 answered on 18 Jun 2021
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