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I am trying to use ListView with Buttons inside a Tabstrip. I want the user to be able to select an item to view a report.
As part of this list, I want a clickable hamburger button for the user to open up a popover menu for additional settings.

This setup works for all browsers when I do not perform the "filter" function. However on Firefox (only), using this filter function on the ListView causes my Kendo buttons inside the list to suddenly not fire the onClick handlers.

      filters: [
        { field: "Document_Number", operator: "contains", value: "J82901" }

On Chrome and Edge, the Kendo buttons work just fine even after this filter. On Firefox however, I notice that the Kendo buttons are unformatted and do not respond to the click events when logging output in the console.

To reproduce the issue, I have provided the following dojo code: Sandbox Code here


Here is a sample image of the output: I have a Tabstrip with a ListView nested within. Each ListView entry has a button attached to it via a template. On click, the button should fire the click handler and print output to the console. (And a popover in the future)

Any help to get this working on Firefox would be greatly appreciated! This is an older version of Kendo UI (Sept 2021).


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 updated question on 29 Apr 2024
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I'm using template binding to display a list of users.   For each user, we have a yes/no radio button and a drop down.  The options available in the drop down are dependent on the radio button.  If the user picks "yes" in the radio, we give them 4 options in the drop down, if they select no, we give them 2 options.

I created a view model that contains an array of users and for each user I have an array of the available options for the drop down. 

ex. viewModel= [{UserId: 1, RBValue: true, DropDownId: 3, DropDownOpts: [1,2,3,4]}, {UserId: 2, RBValue: false, DropDownId:1, DropDownOpts: [1,2]};

And then in my template I have a select  as such:

<select source: DropDownOpts, value: DropDownId"></select

When the radio is updated, I modify the DropDOwnOpts for that item.   

When the page loads, it works fine.   The appropriate options appear in the dropdown list, but when I modify the DropDownOpts in the viewmodel, I can see the update in the console, but the options do not change.

Am I missing something obvious here?  Or is this not possible (I'm sure I can do it via js, but would rather not).

Thanks for any help.

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 asked on 27 Apr 2023
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I'm specifically working with the scheduler, however I believe this applies to any MVVM items.

When double click an event in the scheduler, my editor template is rendered and Kendo binds this to the event being edited. This happens for "free" as I do not do this. Consider this element:

<div data-container-for="title">
   <input type="text" data-role="textbox" name="title" required="required" data-bind="value:title" />

The binding to title works perfectly fine and I see my value.

Next, my event has a CategoryId which tags the event and what it is. This is a property I have added. Let me point out that if I replace title above with CategoryId, the integer value of the category displays. So this value is known and part of the bound object. However, I am using a very custom templated dropdown for this.

<div data-container-for="CategoryId">
   <input id="CategoryId" data-bind="value: CategoryId, source: categoriesDataSource" data-role="dropdownlist" data-auto-width="true"
          data-header-template="categorySearchHeaderTemplate" data-template="categorySearchTemplate" data-text-field="Description"
          data-value-field="Id" data-auto-bind="false" />

Hopefully this makes sense. My categories have an Id and a Description. There is a list of them. The event has a CategoryId which holds the value of what category is selected. However this element has its own datasource! Note the data-bind.

// This datasource is created and then kendo.bind() is called to bind to my dropdown
var categoriesViewModel = kendo.observable({
   categoriesDataSource: new{
      data: jsonSerializedCategories

This drop down works perfectly fine for templates and for the elements in it. See screenshot below. But the value binding does not work. This is obviously because I had to set my own datasource on it. The value is not found in that datasource; it's in the one Kendo generated and applied to the popup. What is the proper way to set this up? The value is in one datasource and the elements here are in the other one I created.

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 updated question on 17 Oct 2022
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I have two Kendo Schedulers. In the first one the WorkDayStart and WorkDayEnd should be custom to the day(s) being viewed. They are not static at one single time. If I am viewing one single day, I am sure I could inject some Javascript to find these and update them, then rerender the scheduler. But when viewing a week that would not help. Really they need to be a function. Is this possible?

The second scheduler is grouped by a resource of an Employee. So in this case it is more complicated. I have this one locked down to viewing only a single day view (or other views that don't include slots that may be closed like Agenda). But the columns here are dependent on the employee's availability for the day selected. So again a function is needed.

Alternatively, digging in the kendo.all.js, I see a property called "slotTemplate" but this doesn't seem to be exposed in MVC. Is there a workaround using this?

[EDIT]: I finally found the SlotTemplate as part of the views in MVC. Will play around here and possibly I can solve this on my own.

[EDIT 2]: I did get SlotTemplate working, but the real solution is to fix the WorkDayStart and WorkDayEnd. Let's say this is a program for a store. Bob logs in. Bob sees his own schedule on one tab, and the store schedule on another tab. Bob works different hours per day. The store is open different hours per day. It's not always the same. When viewing a week we need to be expanded to the most open day. When viewing a single day we should match that day.

Here's a SlotTemplate tagged in CSHTML:

views.DayView(v => v.Selected(true)).SlotTemplateId("shopSlotTemplate");
Now, I've actually got three schedules. One shows Bob's schedule or whomever is logged in. This one contains an employee ID to identify Bob. Another one shows the entire store, but it is grouped by the employee ID. Still one more shows the entire store but does not group by employee ID and instead puts everything together. These in respective order are here:
<script id="mySlotTemplate" type="text/x-kendo-template">
   #= getSlotTemplate(data, @loggedInEmployeeId) #

<script id="shopSlotTemplate" type="text/x-kendo-template">
   #= getSlotTemplate(data) #

<script id="acSlotTemplate" type="text/x-kendo-template">
   #= getSlotTemplate(data, 0) #
Next, I added the getSlotTemplate function as follows:


function getSlotTemplate(data, employeeId) {

   // Get employee ID if not passed in. If still not found then this scheduler is not grouped this way.
   if (employeeId === undefined) {
      employeeId = data.resources().EmployeeId;

   let isClosed = isShopClosed(shopSchedule.Shop,;

   if ((!isClosed) && (employeeId > 0) && (shopSchedule["Employee" + employeeId] !== undefined)) {
      isClosed = isShopClosed(shopSchedule["Employee" + employeeId],;

   return "<div class=\"" + (isClosed ? "k-nonwork-hour" : "") + "\">&nbsp;</div>";
isShopClosed is a function that looks inside a JSON object I've loaded. It contains employee schedules and store schedules. Half days off, full days off, holidays, etc. are all a part of this. It returns a simple boolean. First I'm checking is the store closed, and next I am checking is the employee not working. A DIV is returned with the appropriate Kendo class.


This required new CSS since the TD element has margins.

div.k-scheduler-content > table > tbody > tr > td > div {
   margin: -4px -0.5em;
   height: calc(100% + 8px);
   width: calc(100% + 1em);

The end result is that the grid for the scheduler appears how I want it.

But working hours are still inaccurate. They are based on a single date and don't change as I move between days.

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 updated question on 23 Sep 2022
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I'm trying to render a a template that has a form in it, the form is attached to aa ActionViewModel and the source of this template is a list of this ActionViewModel from my MainViewModel. I want to add a list of nested forms as I click in "Include action" button

Here is my MainViewModel:

public class MainViewModel {
    public List<ActionViewModel> ActionSet {get; set;} = new List<ActionViewModel>();

Here is my main cshtml:

@model MainViewModel
<div class="row">
	<div class="col-md-4 form-group">
		<button class="k-button" title="Include action" data-bind="click: includeAction">
			<i class="icon-add-2"></i> Include action
<div data-template="template-action" data-bind="source: @(model).ActionSet"></div>

<script id="template-action" type="text/x-kendo-template">
	<div data-role="sgewexpandable" data-bind="value: this" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
		<div data-role="sgewexpandableheader" class="text-center">
			<label data-bind="text: ActionType.Description"></label>
		<div id="action#=uid#"

The problem is:

My _IncludeAction.cshtml is using ActionViewModel as model, but when I try to load this page, I get an error saying it was passed MainViewModel to the partial, instead of ActionViewModel, can anybody help me?

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 asked on 07 Jun 2022
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I am kinda stuck while trying to populate my Kendo Grid using Dynamic data list (List<ExapndoObject>).

I am working on ASP.NET Core MVC project and My Page Model code is successfully creating a list of data with Dynamic columns and values using the following code:

Page Model Code:

public async Task<IActionResult> OnGetGridDataAsync(string startDate, string endDate)
             //Populating Dynamic List
            var dataList = new List<System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject>();
            var apiData = API call for data

            foreach (var data in apiData)
                dynamic newObject = new ExpandoObject();
                newObject.Student = data.StudentName; //Student Column

                var attendanceDays = API call for data
                foreach (var attendanceDay in attendanceDays)
                    if (attendanceDay.Date >= DateTime.Parse(startDate) && attendanceDay.Date <= DateTime.Parse(endDate))
                        var attendanceSessionAttend = API call for data

                        var attendanceSession = API call for data
                        var SessionName = attendanceSession.Name + " (" + attendanceDay.Date.ToString("dd MMM") + ")";

                        AttendanceStatusDto attendanceStatus = null;
                        if (attendanceSessionAttend[0].AttendanceStatusId != null)
                            attendanceStatus = API call for data
                            AddProperty(newObject, SessionName, attendanceStatus.Code);
                            AddProperty(newObject, SessionName, "");



            return new JsonResult(dataList);

        private static void AddProperty(dynamic attendanceObject, string columnName, string columnValue)
            var attendanceObjectDict = attendanceObject as IDictionary<string, object>;
                attendanceObjectDict[columnName] = columnValue;
                columnName = columnName.Replace(" ",String.Empty);
                attendanceObjectDict.Add(columnName, columnValue);


JQuery code:

function populateGrid() {
            type: "GET",
            url: '?handler=GridDate',
            data: {
                'startDate': firstday.toDateString(),
                'endDate': lastday.toDateString()
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            success: function (result) {
                // notify the data source that the request succeeded
            error: function (result) {
                // notify the data source that the request failed

function generateGrid(response) {
        var gridOptions = {
            dataSource: response


       var grid = $("#AttendanceTable").data("kendoGrid");

when running the project, It is showing only the Student Column but other dynamic columns are showing 'Invalid Template error'

Invalid template:'<tr class="k-master-row" data-uid="#=data.uid#" role='row'><td class="#= data && data.dirty && data.dirtyFields && data.dirtyFields['Student'] ? ' k-dirty-cell' : '' #" role='gridcell'>#= data && data.dirty && data.dirtyFields && data.dirtyFields['Student'] ? '<span class="k-dirty"></span>' : '' ##:data.Student==null?'':data.Student#</td><td class="#= data && data.dirty && data.dirtyFields && data.dirtyFields['MondaySession(28Feb)'] ? ' k-dirty-cell' : '' #" role='gridcell'>#= data && data.dirty && data.dirtyFields && data.dirtyFields['MondaySession(28Feb)'] ? '<span class="k-dirty"></span>' : '' ##:data.MondaySession(28Feb)==null?'':data.MondaySession(28Feb)#</td></tr>' Generated code:'var $kendoOutput, $kendoHtmlEncode = kendo.htmlEncode;with(data){$kendoOutput='<tr class="k-master-row" data-uid="'+(data.uid)+'" role=\'row\'><td class="'+( data && data.dirty && data.dirtyFields && data.dirtyFields['Student'] ? ' k-dirty-cell' : '' )+'" role=\'gridcell\'>'+( data && data.dirty && data.dirtyFields && data.dirtyFields['Student'] ? '<span class="k-dirty"></span>' : '' )+''+$kendoHtmlEncode(data.Student==null?'':data.Student)+'</td><td class="'+( data && data.dirty && data.dirtyFields && data.dirtyFields['MondaySession(28Feb)'] ? ' k-dirty-cell' : '' )+'" role=\'gridcell\'>'+( data && data.dirty && data.dirtyFields && data.dirtyFields['MondaySession(28Feb)'] ? '<span class="k-dirty"></span>' : '' )+''+$kendoHtmlEncode(data.MondaySession(28Feb)==null?'':data.MondaySession(28Feb))+'</td></tr>';}return $kendoOutput;'

Below is the console view of the page with data:

Please help me out.

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 updated question on 16 Feb 2022
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I have tried this every way I can think of. I am having problems with setting data-bind while iterating an array.
Made a small demo below, the actual code is much more complex and that is the reason I need to use the for loop in order to get the correct result.

How can I set the data-bind property on the input correctly?


  <div id="container">
    <div id="weekdays" data-template="weekday" data-bind="source : this"></div>
  <script id="weekday" type="text-x-kendo-template">
    # for (i = 0; i < data.lines.length; i++) { #
    	<h2>#: data.lines[i].day #</h2>
    	<input type="text" data-bind="value: data.lines[i].quantity" />
    # } #
  $(document).ready(function () {
      var vm = kendo.observable({
        lines: new[
           { id: 123, day: "Monday", quantity: 5 },
           { id: 322, day: "Tuesday", quantity: 2 }
  kendo.bind($("#container"), vm);

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 updated question on 18 Dec 2021
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I am working with kendo grids with buttons in each column that display another grid in a modal. The first is using MVC, the modal grid was created dynamically. Each uses kendo dropdownlists to edit cells. The issue occurs like this:

1. A dropdownlist is clicked on in the initial grid,

2. The modal is opened afterward (each row has its own button)

3. A dropdownlist inside the modal's kendo grid is clicked, and nothing happens

Basically, if a dropdown is clicked in grid 1, and then you attempt to click one of the dropdownlists in the modal grid, 
this error is thrown:

Uncaught TypeError: m is not a function
    at init.editor (kendo.all.min.js:54)
    at init.refresh (kendo.all.min.js:54)
    at new init (kendo.all.min.js:54)
    at HTMLTableCellElement.<anonymous> (kendo.all.min.js:26)
    at Function.each (jquery.min.js:2)
    at R.fn.init.each (jquery.min.js:2)
    at R.fn.init.e.fn.<computed> [as kendoEditable] (kendo.all.min.js:26)
    at init.editCell (kendo.all.min.js:59)
    at init.tap (kendo.all.min.js:59)
    at init.trigger (kendo.all.min.js:25)

This error is vague, and on the surface seems like jQuery scripts may be interfering or out of order. I don't think this is the case
because A) I haven't recieved errors like this before and B) the dropdowns work if the modal is opened without any of the dropdowns in the
other grid being touched. It seems as if when a dropdown is clicked in initial grid, somehow it breaks the dropdown in modal grid. They
do not have the same name.

Any ideas on where this console error comes from?

Here is a snippet of the grid being generated in the modal:

        columns: [
                field: "accountName",
                title: "Account Name",
                editable: function () { return false },
                width: "200px",
                field: "accountNumber",
                title: "Account Number",
                editable: function () { return false },
                width: "200px"
                field: "Balance",
                title: "Balance",
                width: "40px",
                template: "<span>#=getIcon(Balance)#</span>",
                editor: dropdownlist,
                headerTemplate: "<span class='verticalText'>Balance</span>"
        editable: "incell",
        edit: function (e) {
            var container = e.container;
            var dropDownList = container.find("[data-role=dropdownlist]").data("kendoDropDownList");
            if (dropDownList);
        dataSource: {
            transport: {
              read: "/Account/Tracking?uniqueId=" + document.getElementById('unid').value

function dropdownlist(container, options) {
    $('<input id="account-dropdownlist"/>')
        dataTextField: "text",
        dataValueField: "value",
        dataSource: items,
        change: onChange,
        open: onOpen

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 updated question on 07 Jun 2021
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I am using angularJS and kendoUI and create my own directive using by kendo. in grid directive I use kendogrid that it have a toolbar. i fill toolbar with html template but it cant trigger my function with ng-click.
 here my sample code

app.directive('fonixGrid', [function () {
return {
            restrict: 'EA',
            replace: true,
            transclude: true,
            scope: {
                         gridtoolbar :"="
             template: '<div id="kendogrid" ></div>',
             link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
             toolbar: '<a></a>',
             editable: attrs.editable ? attrs.editable : true,
             scrollable: attrs.scrollable ? attrs.scrollable : true,
             sortable: attrs.sortable ? attrs.sortable : true,

   app.register.controller('userViewModelController', ["$scope",
           , function ($scope) {
           var onclick = function () {
          $scope.mytoolbar = { click: onclick };

                <fonix:grid gridtoolbar ="mytoolbar " />
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 asked on 16 Feb 2014
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Hi I have a number of templates on my website and have been asked to run the site through the W3c validator. I am still using XHTML 1.0 Transitional but the validator is throwing up a number of errors. The notable ones are "document type does not allow element "div" here" and "ID "myID" already defined". I know that the page works fine with these inside my template and I don't much mind that they are there but from a client point of view I cannot get rid of the errors from the page.

Has anyone come up with a way to escape the template scripts from the page so they don't appear in validation while still allowing the template to work correctly?

An example of one of my templates:
<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="clickTemplate">
    <div class="resultLine" onclick="window.location = '${ data.oDataSourceURL }'">
        <a href="${ data.oDataSourceURL }">${data.oDataProductDesc}</a>
Thanks in advance

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 asked on 14 Nov 2012
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