kendo react chart customization. border color and labels

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Charts Labels 
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samir asked on 05 Jan 2023, 02:49 AM
as i was working with kendo react charts, i had given the property border{width: 0} in bar series, but still i am getting border, i consoled it, its the stroke-width which is set to be 1. Is there any way to remove stroke-width or border completely at all ? for reference i had attached image.
And i need to style label content like, one string italic and another bold. labelcontent function is returning string so i could not pass html element and style. how can i achieve such scenario ?

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Telerik team
answered on 05 Jan 2023, 05:19 PM

Hello, samir,

I have prepared a sample where the chart items border is removed successfully, you can examine the setup I used in the sample below:

As for the labels styling, the only way to apply bold/italic styles to the text is to implement a custom Visual template for the labels and customize the passed Text object(s):

For example, you can have a similar visual template implementation:

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Charts Labels 
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