Kendo DateTime Picker Scrolling to Top of Page in Firefox

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Date/Time Pickers
Steve Mason
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Rank 1
Steve Mason asked on 03 Aug 2021, 05:15 PM

Hi. We're having a little issue with the Kendo DateTime picker in Firefox. If you put the DateTime picker somewhere on a page where you have to scroll down to see it and then you choose a date a couple of times from the dropdown, the page will scroll to the top of the page. Only happens in Firefox.

You can see it here:


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Telerik team
answered on 06 Aug 2021, 11:51 AM

Hello Steve,

I already answered the support thread you have submitted on the same topic but I will repost my reply here so others can benefit from it.

This is browser-specific as the Kendo DateTimePicker does not contain any internal logic for scrolling. On other browsers, such as Google Chrome and Edge, this is not replicable. Please refer to the following Bugzilla thread:

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Date/Time Pickers
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Steve Mason
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Rank 1
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Telerik team
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