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Kendo UI for Angular Forum
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I used the kendo ui angular for  tilelayout to create a dashboard but i am not able to remove or add the tiles as there is no delete or add icon in the tiles.  So currently drag and  drop of the tiles are happening but not able to remove the tile from the dashboard.
can you please help me?

I am building the application using Angular.

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 updated question on 23 Apr 2024
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I'm using kendo grid in angular. I'm trying to hide/remove the total cell from the kendo grid using *ngIf, but only content inside the cell is hiding, empty cell is showing.

How to hide the total cell from the grid,

This is the code , I have used

<kendo-grid id="antibiotic-result-view" [data]="uniqAntibioticList" [resizable]="false">
    <kendo-grid-column field="Expansion" [width]="150">
        <ng-template kendoGridHeaderTemplate let-column let-columnIndex="columnIndex">
            <div class="antibiotic-heading">{{"Antibiotic" | translate}}
                <mat-checkbox type="checkbox" [ngModel]="allCompleted" disabled="true"></mat-checkbox>
        <ng-template kendoGridCellTemplate let-dataItem let-rowIndex="rowIndex">
            <div *ngIf="dataItem.IsSuppressed">
                <span>{{ dataItem.Expansion }}</span>
                <mat-checkbox type="checkbox" [ngModel]="dataItem.IsSuppressed" disabled="true"></mat-checkbox>

I have been trying for past 2 days, could someone help me on this ?

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 asked on 22 Mar 2024
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I have a multi-week view scheduler, in which i use the kendo kendoSchedulerGroupHeaderTemplate directive to style my groups according to some resources. 

I want to impose a max-width on this, in order to make sure that the names of the groups are within proportion. (See example: Too-long.png)


I have my html code: 

<ng-template kendoSchedulerGroupHeaderTemplate let-resource="resource">
  <div class="group-header-wrapper">
    <div class="group-header-main">{{ resource.text }}</div>
    <div class="group-header-alt">{{ resource.line }}</div>

and my css: 

.group-header-wrapper {

.group-header-main {
  width: 100%;
  text-align: left;
  background-color: $secondary-color;
  padding: 2px 4px;

.group-header-alt {
  width: 100%;
  text-align: left;
  color: white;
  padding: 2px 4px;

adding max-width to group-header-wrapper. doesn't fix this. Because the event become unaligned. (see example: unaligned.png)

How can I style this so the events are aligned with their respective slots and days?


Govert Jaap


Govert Jaap
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 asked on 17 Oct 2023
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All thes days the ui of it is fine as we can see in document but now the grid ui is not proper .Is there any modification/update?Tried multiple ways but still i could't resolve.Pfa any suggestion would be great.

 "@progress/kendo-angular-grid": "^5.0.2", this is version being used

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 updated question on 01 Aug 2023
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I'm using kendo but have an issue as follows:

Case 1: The old source can be edited, but the excel is missing data

Case 2: New source can't edit but export excel enough data

Expect: Both can be edited and exported

Anyone who has encountered this case, please support me.

Thanks, all.May be an image of text that says 'x Export Excel Name Name 1 Number AB 001255* AV= 66000000 Case2 Base Revenue 100001 Ratio Name3 100002 196507 90740000005 AB 10000000 Name Base Revenue 100003 0.27390444 Ratio Name 100004 180776.93040000004 BaseRevenue Base 191478.3618 Name6 0.15730977 100005 0.29011873 Name7 15730.977 191478 3618 100006 0.17790082 Name 100007 31639 31799999998 19999999 Name 100008 0.04793823 22.7336 Name 10 100009 31639.231799999998 0.00018596 245.4672 Name 11 100010 122.7336 0.000371 Name 12 4672 100011 135728. 67 Total 100012 0.2056495 135728.67 2593. 6086 0 0.00392971 2593.6086 6086'May be an image of text that says '区 Exportto Excel Name Name Number AB 001255* Case1 AV= 66000000 Base Revenue 100001 Name Ratio 100002 196507 90740000005 AB 008001 10000000 Base Revenue Name4 100003 Ratio Name 180776 6.93040000004 100004 Base Revenue 191478.3618 3618 Name6 0.15730977 100005 0 0.29011873 117414.54119999999 15730. 977 Name7 100006 191478.3618 0.17790082 Name 100007 17414.54119999999 31799999998 Name 100008 0 0.04793823 22.7336 Name 10 100009 31639.231799999998 0.00018596 245.4672 Name 7336 100010 0.00037192 Name 12 100011 45.4672 135728. 67 Total 100012 0.2056495 135728. 2593. 6086 0.00392971 2593 6086'
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 asked on 28 Dec 2022
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