Issues with generated PDF from Doc or Docx files

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PdfProcessing WordsProcessing
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John asked on 02 May 2023, 08:09 AM


I have some issues converting doc or docx files to pdf.

Attachment has the code sample and 2 documents.

Problem_with_footer.docx after transformation does not render bold chars and does not display footer at all..

Changes_Signature_position.doc after transformation the position of Signature place is not correct.


Any  help would be appreciated



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Telerik team
answered on 04 May 2023, 11:34 AM

Hello John,

1) Thank you for the shared resources. I examined the project and the approach of implementing the FontsProvider is overall correct but it should be searching for each specific font file depending on the fonts in the document. In the shared 'Problem_with_footer.docx' document for example, the fonts are Calibri, Calibri Bold, Calibri Italic, and Calibri Bold Italic whose file names respectively are 'calibri.tff', 'calibrib.tff', 'calibrii.tff' and 'calibriz.tff' (see attached image).

I have created a project of my own with the modified provider implementation which searches for those files and works as expected. I am attaching this project for you to examine, and use for your own purposes. If you have any questions about anything don't hesitate to ask.

2) The footer of the  'Problem_with_footer.docx' document contains Shapes that are not yet supported for PDF export by the WordsProcessing library which is the cause of the disappearing content. Here is the item related to this functionality: WordsProcessing: Add support for shapes

3) When it comes to the 'Changes_Signature_position.doc' document, it turns out that the signature you have mentioned is in the form of a floating table. Floating tables are not yet supported by the WordsProcessing library which is the cause of the unexpected positioning. We already have an item about that in our Feedback Portal: WordsProcessing: Floating Tables

Please accept my apologies for any possible setbacks these two cases might be causing you but I cannot offer you a workaround for them. Feel free to subscribe to and vote for the tasks to track their progress and get notifications in case of any updates.

If you have any additional feedback or questions for us, we would gladly hear you out.

Regards, Yoan Progress Telerik

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PdfProcessing WordsProcessing
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