how to change timezone using telerik test studio?

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Lokesh asked on 15 Feb 2023, 06:18 AM

I have a scenario where I need to verify data based on timezone selected. For eg:

1) If the timezoneId: 'Europe/Athens' then show Label "A"

2) If the timezoneId: 'Europe/London' then show Label "B"

So let me know how I can change timezoneid from Test Studio itself to verify correct label.

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answered on 17 Feb 2023, 12:46 PM

Hi Lokesh,

We discussed the query in further details as part of a private support thread. I'll summarize the outcome: 

Test Studio doesn't have access to the browser's Developers Tool Console and cannot interact with the settings which can be changed there. So, a feature request item was submitted on our public feedback portal and the item is listed here.

Thank you once again for cooperation!

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