Horizontal Card View

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Card ListView
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Tye asked on 20 Oct 2021, 06:16 PM

I have an arbitrary number of Cards being returned from a database query. I would like these cards to layout horizontally and automatically line wrap. I've tried the ListView, but I can't find a way to make it horizontal. I also tried the GridLayout, but it doesn't seem to work if you don't specify the row and column explicitly. And the StackLayout just puts them all on the same row, no matter how many of the Cards there are.

Do I have to manually divide them up into rows myself? So if I want 4 cards per row, and I have 20 cards, I programmatically create the 5 rows? Is there a better option?



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answered on 21 Oct 2021, 10:43 AM

Hello, Tye,

Thank you for the details.

The demo we have for the ListView with endless scrolling has a layout that is descripted. It has X number of columns and the rows number is based on the data:


Still, please have in mind that this is a custom layout and the developer has to set it up based on the application requirements.

Also, the GridLayout can work with not specified rows:


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commented on 21 Oct 2021, 07:29 PM

Thanks Stefan! I'll look through both of these. I appreciate it.
Card ListView
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