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Highlighting days with appointments in year view mode

3 Answers 116 Views
Calendar & Scheduling
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Mehdi asked on 19 Feb 2021, 02:45 PM
Hi, anybody knows any setting for the calendar for highlighting or identifying days with appointments in the year view mode?
I mean, when in year view mode, those days with appointments, have different color for example. Currently, just today is highlighted.
I am looking for some way without having to write separate custom renderers for Android/iOS/UWP.

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Telerik team
answered on 22 Feb 2021, 08:41 AM

Hello Mehdi,

I have checked our native Android, iOS and UWP calendars and I am afraid this scenario could not be achieved. When there are appointments they can be viewed in a month, week, day, multiday views.

I have checked how the native calendars behave when year mode is used and the appointments are not visible, also the dates which have appointments, do not have additional style.

I am curious about what do you mean with this sentence?- I am looking for some way without having to write separate custom renderers for Android/iOS/UWP. Did you find a way how to achieve this with custom renderers?

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answered on 23 Feb 2021, 01:30 AM

Hi Didi,

Thanks a lot for the response. Actually I just 'guessed' there might be some way to do that with custom rendering.

Do you think it can be added as a new feature?

Telerik team
answered on 23 Feb 2021, 08:35 AM

Hello Mehdi,

This behavior comes from the native calendar controls. If you check the iOS and Android calendars you have on the devices, the dates which have events are not highlighted in year mode. This is how the native calendar controls behave. The Telerik UI for Xamarin calendars follows these guidelines. 

Telerik UI for UWP calendar control in year mode does not display the dates, it displays only the month names.

Regarding the question Do you think it can be added as a new feature? - I have talked with the dev team and our designer, and we agreed this is a valid feature request. I have logged it on your behalf in our feedback portal. You can follow and vote for the item at the link below:

Find your Telerik points updated as a small sign of gratitude for bringing this to our attention.

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