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Highlight dates based off of dates from SQL

3 Answers 582 Views
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Michael asked on 06 Jan 2017, 07:43 PM

I'd like to use the calendar widget but what I need is to be able to highlight certain dates. I have a result set from SQL that returns pay dates. I want to highlight the paydates, which will ultimately act as a parameter when passed into another method to do other things.

How would I go about doing this?

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Eduardo Serra
Telerik team
answered on 09 Jan 2017, 03:23 PM
Hello Michael,

The best way to highlight some dates in the Kendo UI Calendar is to use templates; take a look at the following sample to see how it can be done. If you want to read a little more about Kendo UI Templates, take a look at our documentation here.

In your case, the array used for the dates that will be highlighted could be created from the result set that you get from your SQL database.

I hope this helps!

Eduardo Serra
Telerik by Progress
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answered on 23 Jan 2018, 04:38 AM

Is it only available in Kedno Jquery or Is it possible to highlight date on calendar for Angular 2+ ?


Eduardo Serra
Telerik team
answered on 23 Jan 2018, 04:30 PM
Hello Aleksandr,

The same functionality can be implemented in Angular; take a look at the following section of our documentation to see how it can be done.

I hope this helps!

Eduardo Serra
Progress Telerik
Try our brand new, jQuery-free Angular components built from ground-up which deliver the business app essential building blocks - a grid component, data visualization (charts) and form elements.
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Eduardo Serra
Telerik team
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