Grid is slow to sort and clear filters

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Glenn asked on 13 Jan 2024, 09:09 AM
I am trying the jQuery grid and really like the various features. However, compared to other grids I have tested I have found the performance to be much slower in some circumstances. I have a grid with only 6 columns. When the number of rows gets above approximately 1000, the time to sort on a text column can be 2 or 3 seconds. Also, when entering a search text to filter the grid and then clearing the search, it takes several seconds to restore the full list. In every other grid both of these operations are instantaneous even with tens of thousands of records. This is really not acceptable from a user point of view and I wonder why this grid is so much slower than the competition.

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Telerik team
answered on 18 Jan 2024, 06:13 AM


The described behavior is not expected. Could you please provide more information about the Grid configuration used on your side? Are the paging and virtualization enabled?

I would appreciate any details on how we can replicate the issue on our end. I will also recommend taking a look at the article linked here regarding Best Practices for improving performance in the Grid:

Looking forward to your reply.

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commented on 19 Jan 2024, 04:38 AM

My test page is at so please go there and look at the code. The top grid is customers and the bottom grid is orders. When you click a customer, the orders for that customer are displayed. Click on "ABADY DPM, ROBERT" which has about 3000 orders. Then sort the orders. You will see that it takes a few seconds, Or just try sorting the customer grid, which has about 6000 records, by the Company or ID # fields (it's initially sorted by Name) and you will see the delay there. I have not implemented paging because my client doesn't want it, but I have set the scrollable property to virtual on both grids. Also, the article you referenced mentions that paging and virtualization should not be used at the same time.
Telerik team
commented on 23 Jan 2024, 01:50 PM

Hi Glenn,

Thank you very much for sending the test page. I reviewed the initialization of the Grids on the page and I noticed that the pageSize of the Orders Grid is set to 2000 and of the Customers Grid is 10000. Please note, that pageSize should be limited to a smaller number. For example, please set the pageSize to 100 and test the behavior. You can also check the Virtual Scrolling aticle linked below:




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commented on 23 Jan 2024, 04:39 PM

OK, that works. Actually I don't remember why I even set a page size or how I came up with those numbers. But I don't understand why a page size is necessary if I'm not using paging, or how it affects the speed. What does the page size even mean if paging isn't used? It doesn't seem that this is documented at all. Can you please explain it? I haven't seen this requirement in any other grid I've tested.
Telerik team
commented on 25 Jan 2024, 12:46 PM

Hi Glenn,

When the virtualization is enabled the data will be processed on chunks. For example when the virtualization is processed on the client, if the pageSize is set to 100, elements for the first 100 items will be rendered in the browser. Then, when scrolling elements for the next 100 elements will be rendered, and so on. However, in case the page size is set to a larger number such as 10000, then even initially there will be elements rendered for the first 10000 items of data in the Grid which will leads to performance issues. 

I hope this helps.



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