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Fiddler Forum
1 answer

I sned frequent requests between and, I set up an auto-save to txt function,I can see the response in the fiddler,  in the firtst two request ,i can see the response in the txt,but in the following request,  the txt do not update,until over several times , i do it again ,it can be updated, I do want to know why this happen. Addly,if i do the request  and ,i can see the update in real time.
I want to add that I do the request by my manual click. In first way, i just click two buttons on the same interface. in the latter one, i keep opening the screen to return to the previous screen to do the request

Nick Iliev
Telerik team
 answered on 05 Jun 2024
1 answer
How to set a dark theme on Fiddler Classic?
Nick Iliev
Telerik team
 answered on 23 May 2024
1 answer

I try many library, last library I try was global-tunnel-ng, but still have no result. Usually I use fiddler to trace various request, my Fiddler listen port 8888, therefore I try to use
  var globalTunnel = require('global-tunnel-ng');
    host: 'ipv4.fiddler',
    port: 8888,

  // my various request to Google, to AWS and more


I expected to see all request on Fiddler, but there are nothing any request on Fiddler panel. 'localhost' and '' as ProxyURL also don't working. What I doing wrong?
Nick Iliev
Telerik team
 answered on 30 Apr 2024
1 answer

I try many library, last library I try was global-tunnel-ng, but still have no result. Usually I use fiddler to trace various request, my Fiddler listen port 8888, therefore I try to use


  var globalTunnel = require('global-tunnel-ng');
    host: 'ipv4.fiddler',
    port: 8888,

  // my various request to Google, to AWS and more


I expected to see all request on Fiddler, but there are nothing any request on Fiddler panel. 'localhost' and '' as ProxyURL also don't working. What I doing wrong?


Nick Iliev
Telerik team
 answered on 30 Apr 2024
1 answer


I am using Fiddler Classic v.5.0.20242.10753 for .NET 4.6.2 64-bit on Windows Server 2012R2 (don't ask!)

I am also using FiddlerScript in C# mode.  My use case is that I am trying to create a temporary fix for a legacy service that is responding with incorrectly derived values in an XML payload.  I can force all clients of this service to access it via Fiddler as a proxy, and I wanted to use FiddlerScript to modify the response to correct some of the data, as it can be derived from other parts of the response.

I did a very very rough PoC by catching the specific calls in OnBeforeResponse and making an arbitrary change.  What I have then tried to do is use the System.XML XmlDocument object, pass it the response body when instantiating, and working from there.

THE PROBLEM:  I have added "using System.XML;" to the script.  I have also added "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\System.XML.dll" to the References field in Fiddler under Tools -> Options -> Scripting and restarted Fiddler Classic.  However, when saving the script, I get an error "The type or namespace name 'XML' does not exist in the namespace 'System' (are you missing an assembly reference?)"

I have tried just about everything I can think of to make that reference:
 - adding directly to the dll in the Windows dir
 - copying the dll(s) to the same DIR as the Fiddler.exe (as suggested in your docs)
 - adding the XML dlls to the GAC

Nothing I do seems to solve this problem.  I thought it might be a .NET version issue, but I have 4.6.2 installed.

How do I properly reference other .NET assemblies that I want to use in script? 


Nick Iliev
Telerik team
 answered on 29 Apr 2024
1 answer

I thought maybe I was imagining this, but I can consistently reproduce it. Problem started with Fiddler Classic, and I then tried Fiddler Everywhere only to see the same behavior:

My dev/debugging environment consists of MS Visual Studio, Postman, and Fiddler running on Windows 10. I always have MS Outlook, MS Teams, and SSMS running as well. I run both Visual Studio, Postman, and Fiddler as Administrator, though I've tried running them in normal mode as part of debugging this problem. It makes no difference.

Any time I start Fiddler, within approximately 15 minutes, Teams is the first app to go down... it suddenly reports "no internet connection" and I can't send or receive messages.

Shortly thereafter, Outlook will start throwing up "invalid security certificate" dialogues. Email send/receive is no longer possible after this point... The Outlook Icon in my taskbar shows a yellow triangle with a black exclamation mark.

Next to go is the ability to make https connections through, for example, Chrome or Edge.  I see errors such as the attached.

Has anyone else experienced this behavior? I've tested extensively making sure just the apps I've mentioned earlier were running. I can run for 24, 48, or more hours without the problem occurring. But if I fire up Fiddler (either Classic or Everywhere), 100% of the time, the networking issues occur. Always.

Any thoughts on what might be going on here? My assumption is that Fiddler is trying to be a proxy for everything on my machine, and it just can't do it for <reasons>. If I remember correctly I can manually tell Fiddler NOT to proxy for certain apps, but this seems tedious. I'm especially worried to suddenly see https disabled for Chrome or Edge, as the Visual Studio applications I'm debugging are APIs that use https...



Nick Iliev
Telerik team
 answered on 22 Apr 2024
1 answer
I'm having this issue where fiddler will only capture traffic coming from, any other traffic is CONNECT, I've tried everything to get it to capture normal.
Nick Iliev
Telerik team
 answered on 15 Apr 2024
1 answer

1) Fiddler didn't hint for most top-level user class name anymore. For example, the following code:

  • If I type code at **, it'll hint all system class without Xyz1 but it shows Xyz2.
  • If I type "Xyz1." then it hint "Xyz3" so it seems to see fields/methods inside properly.

I use Fiddler in another PC (PC2) which report the exact same version (and editor's version), it hints my class properly.
*PC2 that works well has a bit lower WinNT part "WinNT 10.0.18363.0"

class Xyz1 { //Try both public, class
public static class Xyz3 {

class Handlers
static class Xyz2 {

public static function xx2(){

The scenario:

"Before this", I think Fiddler hint it in current PC (PC1) too. But it's abruptly missing so I try typing the new class. It hints the new class but not for the class I'll use. So I was dumbfounded and reset the script (delete the file) and retest. Because I know some pattern of code may break Fiddler format. Then "Handlers" is not in the list so I'm sure it's not about the format. I want to confirm that it normally hint top-level class name so I check it in my PC2, and it did. Then I completely uninstall-reinstall Fiddler in PC1. It fails it list any user class. I also try to swap the script to test between PC1 and PC2. PC1 always not work and PC2 always work. *I did not try to reinstall on PC2 though because it's heavily used. But it has the exact same version.

2) Script editor from "Customize Rules..." menu change after close and open it for the 2nd time - even without restart Fiddler Classic. Folding feature is missing and comment will be green instead of gray as after fresh install Fiddler Classic. I usually use this variant though, maybe because the gray comment version is found only once after fresh install. Embedded editor in tab is green with folding though. But problem 1) hint never work anywhere.

Nick Iliev
Telerik team
 updated answer on 01 Apr 2024
1 answer

Good afternoon,

We have installed Fiddler Classic on a Windows 11 laptop specifying install directory within Program Files, as per, and it is not installing correctly. It just dumps the files in the folder. No Start Menu entry anywhere, no entry in the machine Uninstall registry. Key is however created within the installing users Uninstall key. Same issues if the installer is sent via management software, e.g. SCCM. Only here there is no registry entry created at all. This does not follow basic principles for software for management in a corporate environment, or frankly any other environment than that of a skilled personal user.

I have searched your forum and there is nothing recent to this post for machine-wide / corporate installs. As this "solution" was from 2019 and advises that it may cause issues with extensions, I expect that now, 4-5 years later, you have since sorted your installer out?

Tried to uninstall manually from the install directory using your uninst file located there and this fails stating: "A Progress Telerik Fiddler Classic component appears to be running. Please close all Progress Telerik Classic-related applications and try again." There is no process running called Fiddler, and looking through the list there is nothing obviously linked to your software. System has been restarted and same issue. Had to login with another user to uninstall. This is not appropriate. Please provide a full listing of your processes. Quite frankly, your software is acting more like malware.

Do you have a machine-wide installer please? A working one. The current state for deployment of your software is appalling.



Nick Iliev
Telerik team
 answered on 21 Feb 2024
1 answer
How can I exempt all in FiddlerCore as if I was using the Win Config option in Fiddler Classic? Thank you in Advance!
Nick Iliev
Telerik team
 answered on 21 Feb 2024
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