Dependent dropdown - Telerik spreadsheet

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Ruben asked on 21 Jan 2022, 04:32 PM


I'm using the Telerik spreadsheet component to open an excel file embedded in a Winforms page.

I notice that dependent dropdowns do not work anymore, they show as empty.

What's the best way to have a dependent dropdown shown with Telerik?

I've tried multiple methods like or with Index/Match combination in the Data Validation, all work directly in Excel .. but once opened in the embedded page with Telerik these dependent dropdowns  don't work anymore and show as empty.

I notice the named ranges dissappear once opened with the component.

Any advice / suggestions on this?

Thx in advance!

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Telerik team
answered on 26 Jan 2022, 02:53 PM

Hello Ruben,

Thank you for sharing this issue with us. I was able to recreate it and it seems the root cause is how our "Indirect" function resolves the Named Ranges, such as the ones in the guide you shared. I have logged this issue on our feedback portal on your behalf. You can track its progress, subscribe to status changes, and add your comment to it here. I have updated your Telerik points as well.

I am afraid I can't suggest a workaround for this issue. We will do our best to fix this in one of the upcoming internal builds.

Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused! In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us with any additional questions or concerns.

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