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DatePointLabel Background

1 Answer 66 Views
Report Designer (standalone)
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Mardorz asked on 31 Mar 2017, 12:06 PM


I am using a graph with a simple lineSeries (bound from a csvDataSource). 

When styling the label of each data point i can change the font and font-color. But i want to display a background behind the label.

I attached two screenshoots one form our kendo web project where the background of labels is working and one from the Telerik Reporting Designer.


Best Regards,

Dave Kinne

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Ivan Hristov
Telerik team
answered on 04 Apr 2017, 06:57 AM
Hello Dave,

Currently graph and map's data point labels do not respect their BackgroundColor property, because their rendering representation consists of just a static text element to ensure faster processing. However, based on users demand we plan to add support for BackgroundColor in a future release of our product.

Ivan Hristov
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Report Designer (standalone)
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Ivan Hristov
Telerik team
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