DatePicker IntlProvider

1 Answer 30 Views
DateInput DatePicker
Sanja Tolo
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Rank 1
Sanja Tolo asked on 04 Dec 2023, 08:43 AM


Currently we are getting an error for missing locale info for 'hr' but not for 'en' when adding DatePicker input in the scope of the project (DateTimePicker and TimePicker workds just fine).

We are loading all the data needed with the cldr packages so cldr-core (likelySubtags, currencyData, weekData), and cldr-number-full and cldr-dates-full for these two locales. For hr locale it gives an error saying missing locale info for 'hr' pointing at the split-date-format.js but when we change to 'en' locale and pass it to IntlProvider and LocalizationProvider it goes without problem.

We would appreciate some feedback for this or atleast an escape hatch for a while becuase we want to use DatePicker component.

Best regards.

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Telerik team
answered on 05 Dec 2023, 05:57 PM

Hi, Sanja,

The error indicates that the hr locale is missing. This usually occurs if the locale is not loaded from CLDR or if a wrong code is being used for the said locale. I have created an example that showcases how to switch between `hr` and `en` locale, you can inspect it here:

I can recommend checking if the locale is properly loaded. In case the issue persists, can you please send a runnable example that reproduces the error? This will enable me to debug it locally and find a suitable solution.

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DateInput DatePicker
Asked by
Sanja Tolo
Top achievements
Rank 1
Answers by
Telerik team
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