DataGrid crash visual studio 17.8.1

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Francisco M.
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Rank 1
Francisco M. asked on 23 Nov 2023, 11:15 AM | edited on 23 Nov 2023, 01:04 PM


I updated VS to the last version and now everytime i add a datagrid to the Xaml it crashes everything. In a past project i could add all the datagrids i wanted no problem, but now even in a new Maui project with only a MainPage i can't even just putting a <telerik:RadDataGrid and pressing / to close the tag because it crashes.

I guess this could be more a visual studio problem, but it's there a work around?

I'm trying the 6.5 trial controls in a MAUI project on net 8.0.




EDIT: Reinstalled VS and repair it after, it works now. Admin can close the question

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Francisco M.
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