Data Grid Editing

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Umi Amira
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Rank 1
Umi Amira asked on 05 May 2023, 03:44 AM


I am facing an issue where I need to add validation to a field, display a circular gauge and implement the button's functionality

I require assistance with the following issues :

1) Although it is possible to add data without input, when input is provided, it does not display in the row (myNameCell.jsx)

2) When adding data, the circular gauge status column does not display in the row (myCircularGaugeCell,jsx)

3) If a row is remove, I want to add a validation message, such as "Please add at least one record".

4) How can I modify the field text, textrea and dropdown components? (myDropDownCell.jsx)


Could someone provide me with guidance on these matters? I attach my code as reference. Let me know if there are something wrong with my code. TQ


Telerik team
commented on 05 May 2023, 10:23 AM

Hello, Umi Amira.

I can see that you don't have an active license associated with your account. To be able to help you, you need to have an active commercial or trial license. May I ask you to activate your trial or commercial license and then write us back? 

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Umi Amira
Top achievements
Rank 1
commented on 08 May 2023, 06:51 AM

I already active commercial license
Telerik team
commented on 09 May 2023, 07:07 PM

Hello, Umi Amira.

I've discussed your account with the Sales team. It seems that there is one commercial license associated with the company with which your account is associated but the mail that holds the license is not the one the current ticket is submitted from. 

As this is a public thread, I cannot share the exact email that has a license associated with it. As you have access to an account that can submit support tickets, I would recommend you use support tickets instead of submitting forum posts. 

To address your questions, the best approach to help you would be if you send us a runnable example in which the issues that you experience can be tested and replicated.

Can you please use this StackBlitz example as a basis and edit it in a way we can replicate the issues mentioned in points 1 and 2 from your initial post here?

To address point 3 from your post, can you please share details about where you need to add the validation message? 

Talking about point 4, here, again, we will need more details about what kind of modification you want to apply to the different inputs.

Can you use the above example as a basis and edit it in a way we can test the scenario you are working on? Once you are ready, I would recommend you submit a support ticket with the requested above details + the edited runnable example. Then we will write you back in the support ticket. 

No answers yet. Maybe you can help?

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Asked by
Umi Amira
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Rank 1
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