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ComboBox default value load undefined in Custom grid.

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Bhautik asked on 29 Mar 2019, 12:22 PM


How do I load default value of Combobox in custom grid.Below is my example.


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answered on 01 Apr 2019, 01:10 PM
Hello Bhautik,

Thank you for the provided example. I see that you are using one of our JSON files as data for your Grid DataSource. The current behavior is a result of the changes you are trying to make. When you are defining the defaultValue of the Category column, you are trying to override it with a value that is not in the products.js file. Please take a look at this modified version of the Dojo example you gave me. You can see that I am using a local DataSource. I can then easily set a default value (9) through the column template. Also note that, when defining the items for your Combobox DataSource, you should not have items with the same value. This will result in an incorrect behavior when trying to select the corresponding text.

I hope that helps you. Please get back to us if you have further questions.

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