Can I use Kendo UI for jQuery DataSource component in a Angular Project that uses Kendo UI for Angular?

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Nazareth asked on 17 Aug 2021, 02:48 PM


Hope that everyone is safe and well. 

I am developing an "Operations Dashboard", which consumes Kendo UI for Angular chart components to create different visualizations (bar charts, treemaps, data grid, KPIs).

All the visualizations need to retrieve the data from the same service, which at some point will be an internal API. For now, I am using a mock-up JSON file. 

Which is the best way to build this service? Can I use Kendo for jQuery DataSource? It will be compatible with my angular application and the Kendo UI charts?

Or should I explore other options for Angular?





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answered on 20 Aug 2021, 09:34 AM

Hi Nazareth,

Thank you for the provided details.

Even though it isn't common you can use the Kendo for jQuery DataSource abstraction in an Angular application. It can help to process the data as it is required. However the Kendo UI for Angular Charts isn't meant to work with the Kendo for jQuery DataSource. Thus you may need to further transform the processed data in a supported format by the Charts:

Unfortunately there isn't a Kendo UI for Angular substitute for the Kendo for jQuery DataSource abstraction.

In general Angular applications that need to get some remote data rely on RxJS and Observables. Thus what should be done in this case is to create some custom logic that processes the data in the required format either on the server or once it is received on the client. Then pass the processed data to the Chart.

I can further suggest checking the following project:

which demonstrates how different types of Charts can be constructed from the same data set.

Feel free to write back in case any further information is required on this case.

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